Thursday, February 27, 2025



She was just a dot until she was not.

Helcha and Patchy were exuberant at the news of their Easter surprise, they were going to be parents. It was 1940, she would arrive in the fall just in time for her first Christmas. Helchas twin sister Stacy knew before Patchy, maybe even before her sister. Back then being a twin was dangerous business where they had come from, medical and psychological experiments galore were had on twins. It seemed people had gone mad thinking they were gods that could commit atrocities never been seen before all over the world, not just one country. They were safe though, in a little town in Massachusetts.  

It was a time before the medical doctors had the use of ultra (crystals from the earth) sound to see inside the womb of the mother and take a gander at the child or popped a hole (I wonder what damage that can do when dealing with a complex system that not many will even consider) in the amniotic fluid to do 'tests' to see how the child was developing. 

The arrival of their first born was marred by a complication they didn't foresee, the little girl with tufts of hair the colour of fire upon her crown had been born with webbed fingers on one hand, it was September 20, 1940. 

For six years the little girl with tufts of hair the colour of fire upon her crown, was in and out of hospitals as they tried to correct the problem of this, God's child, that had been born deformed. 

(edit 4:30, because I forgot something very important to the story) Her mother and father worried *but had faith and when they walked into their place to call forth all the help the universe could gather to save their future, they dipped their human fingers and crossed the holy waters to brace the mind for the other side as they knelt under the shadow of the cross*, and prayed in and out of Church, words over their Rosaries everyday as they were able to be blessed again with another child, a boy, all the while they ferried their precious daughter to and fro and in and out of surgeries. One digit from her foot they patched her hand together so it would be a useful human hand that others would look at with disgust her entire life because it would never look like it was supposed too. 

The little girl with tufts of hair the colour of fire upon her crown with wone hand tied behind her back, grew up and went to medical school and became a nurse, a head honcho at a local hospital and she didn't know she was 'handicapped' until someone told her some time in the 1980's. 

The little girl with tufts of hair the colour of fire upon her crown with wone hand tied behind her back, grew up and fell in love and on her wedding day the biggest polka band on the bed of a truck greeted her at the door and brought her to the Catholic Church where she would tie the knot. 

The little girl with tufts of hair the colour of fire upon her crown, that was born with wone hand tied behind her back, gave birth in the late 1960's to a little girl, Dawn Marie, she's my cousin, on my fathers side, she and her children care for their aging mother, my Aunt Dorothy, her name means, "Gift of God".  

Now a days the doctors and psychologists of the breeding machine would have told you to just throw that baby out with the bath water because it wasn't up to par. "Abort! Abort! Abort!", they would yell, because they know they don't have the strength it takes to over come the hurdles God or we put in our way and sometimes we are just born this way. 

One day I will tell you a story

and it will make some minds want to explode. 

After my grandfather Patchy passed into the other realm, my father and mother were able to purchase a small home for Helcha where she could walk to her local church and have her food blessed on Easter with her grandchild, or children, in total a set of 5, and one that would spread the Word over the globe and her great, great, grandchildren that she would never know would be speak her native tongue Latin, although they did not all look like her, they would be one happy family. 

I was able to see that humble little home, it's now painted a beautiful soft orange hue you would find in a sunset. I like when people take care of that which is old, until it's time is up.

The Eagle has landed.

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