Dawgs In laws, they targeted them; weeks apart.
It created disarray in the family, it distracts the focus.
that is not my focus
they* target focus
your children
Be still and listen
I will tell you a story
Admiral Levine, he was the Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Service Commissioned Corp, I saw someone comment that he wasn't 'the highest ranking tranny in the military' because technically 'he really isn't in the military' as the nuance was spun in to a void of nothingingness...the person that nuanced into retardation that there was a man that was a professor in pediatrics and psychiatry had declared himself a woman, also will go into nothing, as I take view. When I view, Admiral Levine in a uniform and the like of the rest I See the joke that is science*ology, as culty and made up controlled knowledge no real thought of the soul as they make more castrao.
I enjoy repetition and love a spectrum of choice words
Some words have more power than others when spun
into the ether
Dear nice Mormon ladies and some that are just retards from the old block posting retarded trash on your time lines concerning 'Black History month' or woes you, your son in a dress can't be a pilot in the military, I want someone flying a plane that can see reality you *fucking* idiot, you are so dishonest (it is not ironic that you are in advertising, selling something that can’t sell its self), you are a *fucking* (key word choice old hommie, you ruin things that are running well and fine and *fuck* it up) idiot and you do harm to society with the lies you tell or repeat.
you find out
This is not in regards to 'Black history month', great Americans do great things, now stop putting people on pedestals and go live your own life and start thinking about how much they have manipulated you and the harm you have actually done then stop doing it (that is the actual answer, stop it) that being said let me tell you a story...and yes, trannies and black history month are both connected and if you can't see the 'separation' you are blind.
It was the early 1980's,
some randO, "They are African-American."
Me, "Oh, from where in Africa, it's a large continent?"
some randO, "no, their ancestors were slaves that were shipped from Africa, they are African-Americans." -as if ALL Americans that came from Africa were shipped over as slaves, that is a dangerous identity to sweep people into a victim thought, you don't know Africa of tribes and the all, TIA.
My, "Oh, you don't know anything about the slave trade or history of the world you slave that political correct speech taught you, and you learned and take part in something incorrect, that is how they control your free speech. Words shape how you See the world and other people within your own country. I am an American, female, no matter where I was born, no matter where I grew up, because my parents are American and human, albeit extraordinary, no matter where my ancestors are from: the swaths of Slavic paths, Wales, Greece, Finland, Ireland, England, I tag Africa because that is where I was birthed. When you get where you are going and call yourself that which you are wanting to be part of and 'join the club that has rules', you become, that is who you are unless you are a covert operator in a dress. You are with whom you hang, sts. The university instructors (they are the ones that did this, your red guard command and control), put in to the system minds that 'black' people were separate identity then American.
An American is an American.
A human is a human
a child is it be protected
from the adult human
or repeats lies
my best
I am not only an American
I am a Volunteer.
Ursula from deep within the blue
pitchforks with straw will come for you
The plan to balkanize the United States of America, or, the separation of states, or a national divorce can work.
When you agree upon rules and you change them mid game and it's not a game, it real life...that's called war and there are no rules in war.
They literally have an actor cogging up the works in Ukraine, they have made you all look like jokes on a national stage, as the marine corp hymn played.
Only God can heal a human.
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