The first morning before F15 had arrived the 5 of us got ready in ONE hour…
...5 Women, ONE bathroom!
…soon to be SIX!
Do you wonder how we did it?
Note…All of us Women have some form of body dysmorphia. I had joked before we left that I thought it would be a good idea when we get to Vegas to prance around our room naked in front of each other.
<——This is our shower and tub. Please notice our shower is glass.

This is our bathroom before we took ownership———>
There we were with all our body image issues and we knew we were going to be
I hate my
F69 also has an amazing pair on her, that she was born with. She need not wear
…We talked amongst ourselves trying to figure out who would take the longest. I knew I should go last…it takes me no time at all to get ready and I take great pride in that fact…it just looks like I do.
After our first try with the shower we came to the conclusion that…
F1 takes the longest…She actually takes
My first shower I had F69 facing me on the dressing stool reading to me ‘Things to do in Vegas’ or some shit like that. My friends were all in some stage of dress or wrapped in towels making up their faces and blowing out there hair.
It was awesome.
No. We didn’t take any pictures of ourselves in various stages of undress but we should have.
<——This is me and SF getting ready.

One night when we were all getting ready to go out and I had on a strapless shirt with no bra. I was telling them how much I hated my
The F's…”Show us.”
…So I unzipped my self from my
I should also tell you that every time I got dressed I started off buck naked in front of our picture window not caring if anyone could see in…
…again very freeing for me…
...and all my body dysmorphic issues.
Ok…maybe it wasn’t a Man’s wet dream, I just named it that you would ready my
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