…I am amazed our Children didn’t have road burn from us shoving them out of moving vehicles as we dropped them off at school on Thursday morning.
Note…We didn’t really shove them out of moving vehicles…we all came to complete stops first.
We were on a tight schedule and had to drive to Denver.
We also had to get all our suitcases there, all 8 of them, not just us.

…anyway we get there unhindered or scathed.
We flew Southwest so we had to stand in a que, which I might add is much better organized now than the last time I flew Southwest, which would be many, many moons ago.
We were all in group C and knew we wouldn’t be sitting together.

…”No, not there.”
Then I spotted 2 seats next to an older gentleman…that’s where F1 and I sat. SF sat between the 2 dudes…and I think there was a little regret about her choice after awhile.
The Man we sat with was a lovely being named, Bruce.
…Bruce,” So what are you going to do in Vegas?”
Me…”Dress like whores and lay around pools."
We got to know him in our hour and a half flight…we got to know everyone around us though.
So SF had sat in-between these 2 dudes…ones name was Jeff. Obnoxious is not even a proper description. One good thing did come out of meeting Jeff…
…One of F69’s now graduated cadets from USAFA had made her a bet that she couldn’t get a 26 year old to buy her a drink…
…So we are exiting the plane and Jeff say’s he want’s to buy us all a drink…
Me…”How old are you?”
All of us…”NO SHIT!”
There was a coo-coo clock on the line…so we let him buy us a drink…
…We all admitted to ourselves that we had ‘buyers remorse’…
…It turned out he was staying in our hotel….Ahgggghhhhhhhhh!!!!
We all rode the shuttle together though as we are not total bitches…
…However when it was time to check in we let him go ahead of us and we meandered and waited…spying to see if he was done…it took him forEEeeevvver!!!
We wanted no association at all with him.
…and we had none.
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