Monday, August 15, 2011

Blond Vs Brunette

Last week on the the Today Show there was a segment…
Do Blonds get treated differently than Brunettes?

The producers of this segment through my eyes screwed up royally.
The woman they used had longer hair than me, she was very attractive…but they really didn’t change her hair drastically enough through my eyes for there to be any noticeable difference.

I think if you are going to do something you should  do it…no half ass job here.

Go big or go home right?

I make changes to my hair that can be regarded as…
The other day I had a hair appointment. I had already decided, weeks ago, I was ready for a physical change to my hair. It had nothing to do with the Today show segment.
I hadn’t gone Platinum for a while and for months had been working with my Hair stylist just so I could bleach the shit out of it go Platinum. Neither of us wanted my hair falling out.

So on to…
…Blond Vs Brunette…

The answer for the viewers of the Today show segment…the REAL answer…
Yes, there is a huge difference in… I am treated…
I have a tube top on…I’m not naked.
...looked at…
…approached… much more attention I get…

…and how I see myself.

I drive a MiniVan. When I’m a Brunette I may get some looks and a few stares but with my hair bleached Platinum I am scene seen and noticed a tenfold more.

I’m often looked at like I have boogers hanging from my nose a bat in the cave, even as a Brunette but as a Blond, little Children rubber neck as they are released from school when I am picking mine up…
…Men gawk at me as I pass by when their wives are looking the other way.
…Women just…glare at me, sometimes it’s not in a nice way.

I don’t dress any different as a blond or a brunette…
...Or maybe I do.

When you change your hair so excessively it does make you adjust how you see yourself…
…I only see myself differently though when I look in the mirror.
I forget sometimes that my hair has been modified because simply put, I’m not looking at myself.

When I’m a Brunette I feel a bit plain Jane just a Mom. I still hold myself up, shoulders back, chest and ass butt out…


...When I catch my reflection as a Blond and I am ‘made up’ with one of my many pairs of fabulous shoes I feel like…
...a German super model.
…and that’s not such a bad way to see yourself.


  1. Well done, but I see you equally vivacious, awesome, and daring as a blond, brunette, or Punk Purple! Love it!


  2. I think you look pretty good in both photos, but the brunette photo of you is beautiful. I think though it's what's inside that counts no matter what the hair color.
    Do you think maybe you act differently as a brunette compared to a blonde - this could elicit a different response from potential admirers too.

  3. Theo, thank you darling.

    Anonymous, I act the same no matter what my hair colour…remember, I’m not looking at me. As for ‘potential admirers’…I find they like me when they meet me then after a while they realize I’m not changing and that I live my life out loud. That’s a lot to handle, as am I…so I really don’t worry about even having ‘potential admirers’.
    …and I agree, it’s whats is on the inside that matters.
    …and thank you.

  4. Both colors are awesome , and the hair does strike a different personas. Take for example what the world says about blondes. "Having more fun." And recent studies have shown men marry brunettes. But to true life , let the carpet match the

  5. I can’t stop laughing, “let the carpet match the drapes…” .
    In a couple months the carpet and drapes will match again…but first I think I’m gonna get all crazy with the colour again;)
    As for Men marrying brunettes over blonds…I’m not looking for a husband darling.
    I should probably blog about that. What do you think?

  6. Oh…and HOW do you know the carpet and drapes DON’T match?!
    Although I’ve admitted above they don’t…
    Are you just assuming?
