Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Mom is coming to town

My Mom and Dad are right now flying through the air to come take care of my Children and me.
Originally only my Mom was gonna come help me out but when I was on the phone with her and I told my children she was coming my boys yelled…
…”Yeah! Grandpas coming!!!!”
They are excited to see Baba (my Mom’s pet Grandma name).
She told my Dad and he decided immediately he was coming too. He is my boys Man hero, next to their own Dad.

The prep work entailed before my parents arrive is, well, extensive.
I let them have my bedroom whenever they stay with me. I have a small house, no guest room, I use that as my studio. I have to hide all my ‘secret’ things. Remove a bunch of stuff from my closet that is jam packed.
Then I move my self into my daughters room.
My daughter is a lot like me. She collects things, all sorts of weird things. She really likes rocks and put’s them in her jewelry boxes. Obviously they are precious to her. She has a mechanical hand, microscope and other various smart girl things. She’s 9, not a Barbie or doll in site. When I was painting her room she was up set that I didn’t paint it black, with hieroglyphics on the walls. Her gothic ways entertain me. I’ve put all her accoutrements in her closet, to make room for my own, mine consist of books and electronic items.
Her bed was mine for years. It’s been in our family for I don’t know how long. I do know it was once my Grandmothers, then my Mothers, mine and now my Daughters. It’s an antique 3/4 size bed that sleeps one 5.7, 120lb woman decently, no room for company unless they just plan on sitting on the edge.

Once my Mom helped me out while I traveled to Vegas for all of 38 hours.
I came back and she had completely cleaned out my pantry, she didn’t actually clean it. She had mirror imaged everything because ‘it made more sense’ to her that way. I put it back the way it belonged as soon as she left.

I’m going to have no control while they are here, laid up in my old bed unable to get around.
I’ve cleaned the majority of my house, sans my studio and garage.
If my Dad sold everything in my Garage on E-bay that would be cool. Sometimes I think the crew from Hoarders is going to show up. I have a fridge in there that I really don’t need along with a massive amount other things that I hope I would not feel deprived if I no longer owned them.
My Mom will clean out my studio and reorganize it. She’s a brilliant artist but where chaos for me is the norm, it is not for her.
I’m sure I’ll be calling her months down the road asking where she put my varnishes and epoxies.

I’m gonna pretend I’m on vacation and pop pills all day while they are here. Hopefully the drugs will whisk me away to a warm sunny place, the sand soft on my feet and drinks with umbrellas.
…or maybe I’ll skip the drugs…
…I’m delusional enough without drugs.

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