Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Dancer, part two-ish

Derek, was a musician and thought himself to be trendy, when actually he was just stuck in 1987. Derek thought the world revolved around him. The world though didn’t even know Derek was on the planet, and he walked around pissed off all the time. The look on his face at most waking moments of his day were, ‘fuck you.’

When she met him he wasn’t mean to her. That happened as the time they spent together grew. Back then his career was actually on the move. His band was doing well. He was passionate about everything. Maybe that’s what attracted Samantha to Derek, passion. He was handsome as well, boyish good looks and ice blue eyes. He was also ‘the badboy’ and she knew she always fell for the bad boy.

Samantha got into her red Civic, she hated being late and was already running behind schedule. As she drove through the melee that Atlanta traffic was memories replayed in her mind, vividly. The passion was there in every fiber of Derek’s being. They didn’t have some long courting, unless 2 days worth of texting could be considered long. Their first kiss was the first time he invited himself over. It was a Thursday and he was on his lunch break from his real job, the one that paid his rent. He walked in and they embraced before the door even shut. She made sure her ample yet firm breasts pressed against his chest as he grabbed her by the waist pulling her into him. His tongue parted her lips and she welcomed him into her mouth, their tongues danced in and out and around each others. He grabbed her hair and pulled back her head so he could kiss her neck. He nibbled gently on her. They took a moment and looked at each other and said, “hi.” Then continued with their crushing lock on one another. He moved behind her and slipped his hand into her pants…
There was no foreshadowing of the times to come.

She pulled into the parking lot near the back door. Scott, the head of security at the club, ran to help her out of her car. He knew she didn’t need help but was respectful of all the women that worked there. Scott looked like a mercenary, he was very muscular but moved quickly. The Marine Corps had never left him and he kept his hair high and tight. He was a professional and a gentleman, but if any of the guests even eyed one of his girls crookedly he was by their side. The girls safety was always first on his mind.
Scott looked down from his six foot three frame and noticed right away Samantha was wearing Jackie O sunglasses. He frowned and said, “I’ll beat the shit out of that jack ass!” Sam, replied, “No, I’ll deal with it, but thanks.” She smiled at him as tears welled up in her eyes and she blinked them back. He hugged her tightly, knowing it wasn’t the first and that meant it wouldn’t be the last. He walked her in then went back out to wait for the rest of the evening shift to arrive.

The rest of the night went on without a hitch, she danced her dance and they paid.
The next day Derek was still a no show and she was enjoying the quite. He was probably on his friends couch, mooching from someone else again. The phone rang, she hesitated to answer it and checked the number. It was an area code she didn’t recognize. She took a chance and answered it, lonely she wanted someone to talk to her. It was Dana, her old friend from High School, on the other end of the line. “Hey Sam! Long time no talk to.” Sam, “Where are you calling from this time? How are you?..Oh girl, I have missed you so much….” Dana, “ I’m living in Germany for now. It’s so beautiful, you would love it.” Dana was married to an Army Major, she was the perfect mother and wife. She had that white picket fence life Samantha had always wanted. Sam,”I’m so jealous. I hate my life right now. Derek is being a jerk again.” Dana, “I’m sorry, I would come stay with you and keep you company but with Eric’s deployments and these rugrats tugging on my pants all the time there is no way I can fly home now.” Sam, “It’s ok..just talk to me for a bit.”
And talk they did, two hours later Samantha had put the phone down and curled up into the fetal position and cried. Cried her first real cry in years. She was so tired of her life.

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