Monday, January 17, 2011


I haven’t seen that movie about Facebook. I’ll wait for it to come out on DVD…now that I can turn my DVD player on.

Some people will friend any and everyone.
Is that their business plan?
Do they really know ALL those people?…I don’t know if I even know 3000 people.
If it’s YOU I’m talking about…IS it your business plan?
I know it’s a networking thing. I’m just messin’ with ya, cause I’m jealous that YOU have a business plan and I don’t.

Others have maybe 50 friends. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say they know all of them.

I have over 450 friends. The number varies though because I get de-friended…once a weekish?
I know all but 5 of them personally. I think...
One is an artist I really like. Two are guys that which I share common friends.
Another is a hilarious youtube guy that I, yes I, friended. I couldn’t help myself he had me in stitches I was laughing so hard.
Yet another is a girl friend that I was set up with by mutual friends. We have yet to meet but are good friends via phone chats…long phone chats.

Let’s clarify the term ‘friend’. People I know. I will break bread and have a beer with ALL of them, but I will not tell them ALL my intimate secrets. Yes, I do have secrets. I don’t share everything on my blog either, it just looks like I do.

The average person has 150 friends, just in case you were wondering.

Have YOU ever been de-friended? Is that what it’s called?
So yeah, above I say I probably get de-friended once a week-ish.
Sometimes it’s not really de-friending, it’s just people closing out their accounts.
Then other times I AM positive I have been de-friended.
(You came up in the ‘people you may know’ thingy)
Did I say something that offended you?
Were you just cleaning up your list to include 'just friends’?
This whole time I thought we were friends!

One of my friends got a, “Hey, I’m de-friending you and here’s why…” message once.
I like that idea.
If you de-friend me could you send me one of those?
I’m not gonna change but hello…I’m just a curious kitten…

Once in awhile I KNOW why someone has de-friended me….oops…I didn’t know that your sense of humor was in your ass and you shit it out this morning.

Status Up Dates
I have friends that never complain. When they do post an up date they keep it positive. (I know some behind the scene stuff…I’m proud of them and their out look.)

Others are incredibly negative and un-happy.
If you are not happy I would like you to refer to my ‘Palimpsest’ blog, or ‘A bit of my childhood…

There also those that post mundane crap. (I’m not talking about YOU it couldn’t be you.)

I actually like all the up-dates, even the mundane ones.

My favorites are the controversial ones…where fights break out! Words are tossed around like grenades. WaHooo….the stupid people are 'ripped new ones’ because they have no idea what they are talking about….or…you watch the de-friending happen live!

I also enjoy the funny and thought provoking up dates.

The Stalker vs the Stalkeee…eek…and the in-between.
You know the Stalker, they never post status up dates. You know they are out there though in cyber space reading everything and looking at all your pictures.

I’m a Stalkeee…eek…I try to be worthy of a good stalking. I think I have more pictures of myself and the goings on in my life than most people. I like to think of it as ‘scrapbooking’ just via FB. I once went a couple of days with out posting anything. Privately some of my friends contacted me, worried that something was wrong. I just had nothing to say.

Then we have the in-betweens, posting something every once in awhile…

Wall Posts
I love it when people post stuff on my wall. I feel SO special, really I do. Is that sad?
I also like posting on other peoples walls sometimes. I want them to feel special.

If I comment on someones post I remove it almost immediately from my page. I might stop this habit. I look at as keeping my page ‘clean’. Maybe I should dirty it up a bit;)

I <3 Facebook
I love that I have been able to stay in touch with my friends around the world, from High School, family members and people that knew me when I was but in the womb of my very forgiving Mother.
I like that I can see pictures of your children as they grow up…but I don’t have to hear them cry. I would like to hold them though.
I like the videos people post of baby’s first steps. I don’t always comment but I watched and felt your pride!
I love that I have seen the rebirth of love between high school sweethearts on FB…and now that they are both divorced live together.

I love the connection….

1 comment:

  1. What is up with cleaning out your friends? Are you limited to how many friends you can have? I get hiding someone if they post shit that bugs you or even de-friending (love the word) someone if they really piss you off, but cleaning up your friends list because certain people don't actually talk to you on facebook!?!? Why?
