Friday, January 14, 2011

The interpretation of words

I am very attached to my Spyder. Spyder is my nickname for my phone. When I have a message it sounds like little electronic spiders running all over the place. It is also what I use to weave my web…
When it rings Madonna’s, ‘Like it or not’ plays. If you are on the calling end you hear Rihanna’s, ‘Only girl in the world.’

How many times have you gotten an e-mail or text, read it, and thought to yourself…
…'What the hell?’
…’What an ass.'
...and then found out later the joke was on you because you completely misinterpreted it?

It could be as simple as something that happened to me the other day…

I’m hangin’ out with one of my friends. F3 (forgive me F3) calls me. F3 calls me more than she texts me, she’s lovely and ‘old school’.
I did NOT answer the phone.
I don’t always answer my phone when it rings. I have exceptions though.
I will explain to you about my phone answering ROE (rules of engagement).

If I’m with a group or one person I will look at my phone, see who it is. I won’t answer it though because I find it rude to talk on the phone in front of friends. Depending on who it is I might text them back…
something like...
...'busy, call ya back later’
…’What’s up?’ (Oooppppssss…that one was a mistake that I’ll come back to.)
I will answer it if I am with my friends and it is one of our mutual friends. That way we can all do the very immature…
…”WHazzzzzz Upppppppp!”

I always answer calls from unknown numbers or the 000 area code. I know who that is.
If I’m alone, and reach the phone I’ll answer. Due to my hobble these days I often don’t reach it in time and I call back RIGHT AWAY!
If I am shopping I will SO answer my phone. I love the way people scowl at me and my amazingly NOT so witty conversations. When they look at me I feel like I am the center of their attention…I love attention….all kinds.

Ok back to F3.

We had an assembly at the school all our children attend this morning. After it was finished we decided to head to the Man Buffet, you know, I love it there at Chipotle. It was only F2, F3 and myself.
We sat down at a four top, me facing the door. My purse was hanging on my chair, my Spyder was in it.
We are chatting about all sorts of things.
F3 tells me she was very upset at me the other day when I texted her after she called me.
It was Wednesday, this is the text event…
F3 calls…I don’t answer and I tell my friend I am with…
…”Im sorry, I need to text her, cause I don’t want to have a long conversation with her in front of you.”
My text... ‘What’s up?’
F3 text…’Nothing just saying hi’
My text…’;)’
I see her later at school pick up and hug her as soon as I see her and I tell her…
…”I’m sorry I didn’t answer, I was with a friend.”

Fast forward to today, 11:52, Chipotle.

F3…”I was really mad at you for not answering your phone.”
Me…”I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to talk in front of my friend.”
F3…”Yeah, but you can text while we are at lunch in front of me…the whole time.”
I wish you could hear her voice…I can as I type…she was really mad at me. With every right.

I felt like an ASS!
I have a problem. My relationship with Spyder is the ONLY normal relationship that I have.

F2 chimes in…
…”What did you text her?”
and I told her…the very brief event that it was.
F3…”Yes but that 'nothing' was more like ….’NOTHING'!”
Me…”I didn’t hear that when I read it. You know I’m sorry.”
F3…”I’m over it, don’t worry.”
Me…”I love you.”
F3…”I love you too.”
F2…”I can’t let go of things. I would hold a grudge!”
She’s being honest.

I didn’t know she was mad at me till two and a half days later. She is very forgiving though and I should NOT text when in front of friends.
That one will be difficult. I see MASS failure on my part!

Now on to something that has nothing to do with the above story…:)it was just a really funny conversation.

Blah, blah, blah with a yada or two thrown in and we start talking about the whole new Astrology chart design…and a couple other things..

F3…”You really have gone wild lately.”
She tells me this all the time.
Me…”No, it just looks that way because I am free.”

A domesticated pig that escapes from it’s confines becomes feral in a matter of months. Their hair grows long they eat everything in site and grow tusks…

Me…”Oh, I just thought of something really funny. In Chinese Astrology I was born in the year of the Boar…I guess that makes me a FERAL PIG!”
Except I like to keep my hair neatly groomed.
I didn’t grow tusks, just invisible horns.
...and I will not disgrace myself by eating everything in site.

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