It takes work for me though as nothing is handed to us on a silver plater…Unless we are dinning someplace really nice.
Women read magazines and see pictures of famous people and models that look stunning even though they have just given birth. They of course have personal trainers and chefs that are at their beck and call. Their photos have been airbrushed and we know it, but when we see them we judge ourselves.
We take our clothes off and look in the mirror.
Do you know what your man sees when he sees you naked? He sees you! He can probably trace his fingers along your stretch marks, each one precious to him, because you gave him life eternal, the gift of a child. He also sees the parts that bring him pleasure. He doesn’t see the cellulite and loves you for you.
I believe this with all my heart.
I was at the Kadena O’Club one night. The soon to be Majors were buying ALL the drinks…you know I was there!..another night at the Roxberry…
My youngest had only been with us for a couple of months.
This amazingly hot fighter pilot approaches me. (I could probably write a whole Blog on Fighter Pilots)
Him…"You look great for just having having a baby!”
We all know I had not given birth!
I’m so taken a back I didn’t know what to say.
First...I didn’t just give birth!
I was a size 8 and weighed almost 140lbs. I’m 5.7. That is probably average and healthy.
Second…I didn’t know he knew I existed let alone had a ‘new’ baby. I remember what I was wearing; a light blue A-line skirt and a champaign coloured silk shirt. I wore the A-line skirt to hide my 'saddle bags’.
I walked away with my hands full of drinks, my mind going a mile a minute.
I put the drinks down and go find him. He’s with his wife who has her midriff showing just a bit. She’s tall, long blond hair and beautiful. You know what else she is, very nice.
Me..”Hey!…I just need to clarify something. I didn’t give birth…to any of my children.”
Him…”Holy crap, you’re like a real live Angelina Jolie! That is even cooler.”
Me…”Not really, but no woman can be this small two months after giving birth”
This was before Heidi Klum ruined everything for Women that had birthed babies.
We chat for a bit, I walk away…I can’t stop thinking about it.
Do you know what I did the next day?!
I stood in front of the mirror.
I hadn’t worn shorts in forever. I wore capri pants all the time and skirts. I was curvaceous, yes, that should be ‘ok’. I never exercised, EVER! (That is NOT ok.) I had never played sports…unless you count volley ball when I was 18 in Cocoa Beach.
When I was younger, I was just small. I had as they say’ ‘let myself go’.
This was not about him or anyone else.
It was about what I thought about me.
I decided to change my physical self.
I started walking up and down the hills of Kadena pushing a double stroller with my 2 oldest in it, my youngest was sitting behind me on my back. I walked everywhere, the commissary, the BX and the post office. One day I went to the gym with them and put them behind the half glass ‘container for little people’. I got on the elliptical and went 3 miles.
A couple of weeks later I realized I could RUN…..and run I did. I became almost obsessive about it. Up and down hills…miles and miles…
My Ex would come home from work and I would head out. I was running 7+ miles a day up some very steep hills and I weighed 105Lbs. I wasn’t lifting weights at this time so I was very skinny and not defined.
My now Ex looked at me and said one day…”Yeah, I guess they really won’t go away.” He was referring to my ’saddle bags’. This did NOT make me mad, he was right. I had been telling him for years how much I hated that part of my body.
We ended up back in GA for a second go around at Moody AFB and my Ex said I could get them fixed if I wanted. I WANTED! So to the Dr. I went…I still have cellulite, but now I’m ok with it. It was about ME, not what others thought about me.
Those little ‘Angry Mom’ lines we get between our eyes…I hate those on me. I have them taken care of…yeah…I DO. I save up and once a year I go to my Dr. and she fixes them for me with Botox. I’m not ashamed of it and don’t care who knows. I actually WANT you to know. I wish I had as much money as Nickole Kidman…I would get my whole 5 head done!
I now work out hard and fast to take care of my body. I will lift weights for an hour and a half some days. I kick box and I run.
I realized nothing is handed to us they way we wish it was. I like my physical body better now than I ever did before. I will not deny it.
You should know the truth.
I had work done.
I like me better now because of it.
I also work VERY hard to keep it!
My breasts are not bionic…But I understand the women that have them, not fixed, they weren’t broken, but…done the way they want them! They do it for themselves.
I’m a Libra. I have this brilliant book...
Born on a Rotten Day
'If you love One-Libra Woman'
“Everyone should have enough money to get plastic surgery.”
Beverly Johnson (October 13)
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