Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Chaos Theory…4.669

Did you ever watch the old ‘Get Smart’?
Maxwell Smart and Agent 99…fighting the ‘evil’ forces of KAOS
MS…”I missed it by this much."

I wonder what would have happened if KAOS had won.

If you have been reading my past blogs you can see that perhaps by brain is in a constant state of chaos.

This is my studio/office (I think studio sounds so much cooler) ———>
Obviously it is in a state of chaos. Some would just call it a mess but it’s not to me. I know where everything is. I could probably work  in there blindfolded.

I compare my studio to my brain OFTEN.

The Chaos Theory is actually a new concept. It wasn’t discovered by a Mathematician. It was discovered by a Meteorologist. He could only publish in meteorology stuff…’cause he wasn’t a Mathematician. What he discovered was that there was actually a pattern hidden in the chaos.
It wasn’t re-discovered till years later…he just had to wait it out.

With the discovery of the Chaos Theory came the Butterfly Effect. The idea that a butterfly flapping it’s wings could either start a tornado far away…or prevent one…over a long period of time.

I’m going somewhere not very profound here…stick with me;)

If you’ve been in my house it’s neat and tidy (unless the little people have just come home from school).
If you’ve seen me out and about I look put together and nice.
The brain of my house is my studio.
My brain is like my studio, in a constant state of Chaos…If you study Chaos you see there is a pattern.
Now I am waiting for the Butterfly Effect.
Waiting to be discovered.

….OH…the 4.669 is for my really geeky friends. When I call them Geeks it is out of respect and I awe at their magnificentness. Is magnificentness a real word? I don’t know…but if it’s not it should.

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