Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Value of Life

This is the last wave of feminism. Women have the ability to control their fertility with the use of 'birth control' measures....which I call fertility control. Birth control and fertility control are two different things. Birth control by word choice gives the option of controlling the life of another, to control the birth, not the conception. Those are two different things. Words are very important because they can convey a whole message with nuance.  

This is not a religious stance. This is a value of life stance. I think there has been some mindfuckery going on. They sold the idea of abortion to give women a false freedom of choice. Somewhere in there it was told to them that their bodies were theirs...but we are women and that is not true. The job of a female, like it or not, this is not a matter of choice, it is the birth right of to give life. The reason we exist is to give birth to babies. Someone will say I'm saying women should be baby making machines. We are exactly that. A man can not have a baby. It is the simplest biological fact proven over and over since humans have existed. 

There is a large group of people that have been taught not to value life. I mean that. Abortion does not value the life of another. The creation of life is not simple. It is beautiful and complex. Many see the access to abortion clinics important but we wouldn't need or want them if society in general was educated better in the value of life, or just educated better. We don't value adoption enough. If a woman is in a 'sticky situation' there is an answer...yes, 9 month of your life will be shared with another but is that bad? If there was someone out there that wanted a child and couldn't and would be responsible for that life you carry wouldn't you rather a piece of you move forward? I bet that mom or dad, or dad and dad, or mom and mom...or mom and dad... would love you for your gift. The gift of the value of life. 

This is not the 50's and 60's this is the 2021. We can do surgeries in utero now. We all need to move in the direction of real values. There was a time when the value of life meant nothing. We have so much more available to us now. More information, more tools...We don't have to use the scalpel or the sword or the bomb. We can create an atmosphere of real learning and not propaganda of control via misinformation. 

No one says you shouldn't be allowed to work in a field where you excel. "It's 2016, women are smart now."-The Interview. Have a sense of humor, don't let that be a victim of your false control too. Also know there is a sacrifice as a woman...and with sacrifice of time there is great gain. 

I'm not saying you are a bad person if you have had an abortion. You are the judge of you, are you also the executioner? Be thoughtful. 

With the value of life comes the value of family. A mother, a father and a child. A unit that with a proper education can move forward in this world to make it better...when you value life, war is only a last option for defense of the family. 

This is how to bring peace to the world. 

The feminist movement went sideways and forgot their mission statement. They made their demands long ago and won but don't know how to stop. The value of life is paramount for the future. With it comes the freedom to live ones own life, with the value of life in mind looking forward, in to the future.

This the beginning value of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. It's the American way.

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