Sunday, March 7, 2021

Idea Babies

Questions and thoughts...

I counted my white eyelashes the other day; I stopped at 10, then wiggled my toes for ten more. I imagined myself if all my eyelashes were white. I don't think I would mind. I'll always be a freedom loving bohemian gypsy priestess of the republic. I don't mind getting older. I kinda like it. I'm taking it as a freedom to get weirder today... Jump into the river with me...the water is crisp and firm as it flows against your skin. 


Do any of you read 'fact checker' things on Facebook? Actually read them in the entirety? I do. You should too. It should be a quick read. Reading is fundamental. Fundamental means the base; the foundation. Without a foundation of understanding you don't know anything. If there is crack in a foundation, it grows until everything falls in upon itself, like our Republic today. We use analogies to understand complex thoughts and ideas.  Reading beyond a headline will help shape this planet in a better way I believe. I do believe if people take time to actually read what others are writing and listen to actual what 'whomever? whoever?' are saying they would have a deeper understanding of the catastrophe that is our education system of what is happening.

What education system?! Fuck yeah bitches this shit is a mess but 'Ford' forbid anyone say our teachers are either complacent in the miseducation of our children or they are morons. I enjoy using words in their proper form. If you think I'm calling someone a name that's on you. I use the word moron as a descriptive word, more people need to learn the proper meaning of words. They are most important thing we have. If you find it offensive maybe you should own that rubbish. I know it's my fault. I didn't speak up. I let someone else take the reigns while I adventured from place to place. 

This comes for someone that is the worst speller and I know I know nothing. I'm also completely enumerate, this is not an exaggeration I have dyscalculia and for many years just thought myself stupid because I couldn't understand something that was so simple, 'even a child could do it'. I had the worst teacher ever once.  I recognize the importance of math; I can conceive some concepts but not implement them. You really don't want someone like me in charge of building a skyscraper or even a gingerbread house. It might be one of the most frustrating things to me. I can't read music either and had a full voice scholarship to our community college. I never graduated and I don't care. I can read and listen though. Reading is easy. Is it the comprehension that is difficult? Yes, I'm finding so, by looking around....and I'm not looking in a mirror.

Philosophy and art go hand in hand. How can you paint a vision for someone if you have limited tools available? How much of your vision can be improved with more tools? Do you use them all and pile them on with no care for where they should be used best? You can't teach if you restrict the student and/or the tools. You also have to acknowledge when a student does not have the dexterity to hold the tools. You can still let them try, one day they might catch on, or just find a new use for them, one perhaps we didn't consider. If someone starts breaking the tools, you stop them. The tools are for everyone. It's such a simple concept I can't even believe I feel the need to type this out. You teach them when and how to use what tools ...sometimes you hold back with water have to think forward of the light, then the dark's hard to erase in water colours but it's possible but that spot will never be the same as it was before you made a mistake. With oils you add more and more and work at a slow pace, blending till the dynamics are where you want them. With acrylics you have to move fast and you can never go back. With charcoal, and you should know how to make charcoal so you understand your medium to the base level, the harder you press the darker it gets, till it becomes a diamond in the ruff. Art and life are the same to me. We create, sometimes the same thing time after time (Monet, lily ponds). We make and discover new tools, like digital art. 

Our education system, teachers unions that trash everything... Teachers that don't know how to teach and are so lazy they think children with what they call ADHD need drugs to sit still. You teach them by knowing them and then individually how to focus. It can be done. 

Back to questions and stuff as I channel Socrates...Channeling is focusing your mind. When you channel a person it is their mind you reach for, the whole of the being that was, when they were, and why they were and, who they were. In an academic way, it's everything you know about someone or a past event. It is not Mumbo jumbo. Also, as you continue reading, you will see I know nothing of Socrates and really just like rambling.

When do we move forward and not look back too much to re-live the hate but enough with understanding and that we have to move forward? That was then, this is now. Easy peasy except not everyone 'feels' this way? How did they learn that we have not grown?

They young want meaning in life. Except the meaning of life is that it is work to stay alive, and everything has it's season. you know. Children are on their parent's insurance till 26 now. How can you understand what it is to be responsible when you have no responsibilities and you think everything should be given to you...because that is what 'we' through our actions have shown them; and this is what the teachers have been teaching the children, blame and envy.  

Ideas and thoughts are babies. Are they the babies of the Universe? Do they go to mankind? Or only some? The world is complicated. If a conversation is about religion, philosophy, theories...the conversation can't end because ideas are also children...the future. We ask question to conceive. We hope we will one day have answers but until then we ask questions? We will never understand everything, we will however learn more. We are human and we explore. We moved beyond that state of animal. Use your thumbs and down vote the illogical and lift up the truth. 

The religion of morality with no concept of true morality? How did we get to this place? It matters. 

What happens when reason and logic is no longer possible? 

What we do with our lives is our choice and we are responsible for our actions. 

Do you gather the moments of love and hold them tightly or do you hold to your pretend truth and let it throb in your ears? The yelling and the horror, the fright of what another human can do to another?

What is your greatest gratitude? It is the leaf that falls into my hand and I'm able to take a moment and time and think about beautiful it is. Even in death there is beauty as the leaves turn from green to gold, falling off the tree to make room for the new. 

We should believe in the good things and forgiveness most particularly. You are in charge of you. You can be real, truthful and loving in the same moment. 

Control what people think by imprisoning their minds and their thoughts. Not the thoughts of the left, right or center. The thoughts of anyone that asks why.  

Is it the lack of empathy regarding historical events that others see and we are judged on? Or perhaps it could be they hold on to it because they are afraid of the future? ...and hard work. 

And then the child takes on responsibility of the adult not parent when the adult is gone. What does the child know but that what it knows. When you teach someone to think and not what to think there can be growth. Without guidance people often move sideways to avoid collateral damage 

Who helps the future if the present no longer wants to engage?

What happens when it's the adults that make the wrong choices. I don't care for that thought. I have to put the tatters back in my mind of human actions of hate and take them it back together to understand that it was just a moment in time. You can not change the past no matter how hard you want to erase it.

What happens when we as individuals say no to the group that is out of control? Confused? Has a small portion of the information with which to work?


...As I get older I know I have less time and all I have ever wanted to do is love people and teach them there is a better way of life. That idea and my children are what I leave the future, 'come hell or high water'. I wish you would think hard about that phrase and what it means. 

One day I will tell you a story

Be still and listen

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