Friday, July 29, 2011

I applied for a job.

I applied for a REAL job. Sort of.
I sent an E-mail in actually.

You can’t imagine how apprehensive I am.
This position was MADE for me and I it.

…’food knowledge, writing ability and social networking savvy…’

You tell me.
Does that describe me or what!?

Food Knowledge…

I’m the girl that when I’m asking about the Caesar Salad I ask if it has anchovies…because if it doesn’t then it isn’t a real Caesar Salad…sorry…and the dressing SHOULD have been made with anchovies.
Some of my friends cringe when they go out with me to restaurants because they know I’m going to ask tons of questions when the server approaches me.

The other day we went to Chedders.
When it was my turn to order I asked for all sorts of sauces so I could try them all.
All the while I took pictures of the food...

I know more about food and how it’s supposed to be prepared and HOW to do it myself than the average person.
I’ve eaten...
…Anticuchos in Peru.
…Curries in India.
…Sushi in Japan.
…Biscuits and Gravy in Illinois.
…Eels in China.
…Poi in Hawaii (and I think it’s gross).
…Food I can’t even pronounce in Korea.
I think you get the idea…
I’m not cocky…I’m confident and those that know me can attest to my VAST knowledge of food.

Writing Ability...

This could be contested…my ability that is...
I fancy myself a writer but I know I’m not legitimate.
I’ve never been published.
I have no formal schooling.
Hell, I can’t even spell!…shhhhh…that’s top secret;)

Social Networking Savvy…

I got this one too!
I have fan sites on FaceBook with fans!!!
Ok, this one could go against me…
I’m well aware that…

…might not go over well...

I have a Twitter account with followers…not many but I DO have some.

I have this fabulous blog...
I live my life un fettered and truthful…on line.
…and I swear like a sailor.

I’m asking someone to overlook a great deal while considering me for this position.

I’m a bit controversial…I’ve been told but I don’t think I am.
...and for a company to not be afraid to have MY name as a header under their own is HUGE!

It’s not even that big of a job or position but I WANT it!
I want it so bad that I have considered having as many people that will stand behind me send an E-mail to…

Telling him how awesome I really am and how you love reading my stuff…
That you know how knowledgable I am with regards to food…
That I have this internet/Social Networking thing down…
…or whatever else you would like to say…

I want this so bad I’m either shooting myself in the foot by doing this…or I’m gonna get it!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get it!!!
    If you need a reference use me!

