Sunday, July 17, 2011

Road Trip: Sister Wife? Rolling Partner?

Two independent single women traveling together hauling a 23 foot trailer with 5 children by 5 different baby daddies…

Note…Ok I know mine were adopted…it’s just fun to describe that way sometimes so people can look at us all cockeyed…

The sideways glances, out right stares, unasked and asked questions are hilarious!
Poor Kat.

Note…This was our second stop. I’m not going in order as this is what I feel like writing about right now as my meds make me feel all light headed and crazy. I’m sitting at a camp ground, a KOA, north of Dayton and Kat has taken, generously, all the children on a little day trip to Young’s Dairy Farm so I can write.
I’m sitting at a bleached by the sun picnic table, stained with years of use with 2 puppy chiwawawawas Chihuahuas, which are Kat’s, sitting beneath me.
The sun is beating down and my hair is looking like a much shorter version of Farrah Faucets from the ’70’s all flipped out because of the humidity.
I have music playing…”Back that Ass Up!”…"You a fine mother fucker”…”Drop, drop, drop it like it’s hot…”
I have towels strewn and drying all over every surface I can find.
Kat has been so patient with me and my ways…that’s a different blog though.

On the second night of our trip we stopped at this one camp ground which can only be described as ‘ghetto’.
The reviews were good.
We were finding out that the reviews were probably posted by the camp ground manager using several different aliases.

Note...If I offend anyone…whatever…it was!…and as I will now describe and explain the situation, you will get it…but as always after thought, I have caveats of understanding someone else’s POV (point of view) and situations...

I think it was in Indiana?

Pulling up we notice there are plants situated outside the campers, carpets and statues?! We wonder how long they are ‘camping’ here?

We meet these two women, Tasha and Roxy...
Roxy…”So…are you partners?”
Poor Kat…she hates this question but is compassionate to an extreme.
Kat starts thinking quickly…”If by partner you mean ROLLING partner? Yes.”
She had to repeat it several times as Roxy and Tasha were quickly downing their Busch beers in icy can’s as the two of them explain how they LIVE on this camp ground and had for YEARS!…They are busy paying off this camper, that they live in, by babysitting the camp managers child.

Note...This camper is leveled on the ground by orange rectangle thingys. It looks like it has been there since 1984.
I wonder HOW on earth they got the tires up there?!

Roxy…also repeated 6 or 7 times that Tasha and her have been partners for 5 years.
They sat with us at our picnic table and gave us their life stories...

As we are they are talking they disclose that there are only 2 other campers that don’t live there…they are assuming because these other two campers residents have been only been there for several months each!!!

In my mind I can’t believe people actually live like this by choice…
Is it by choice?
…then I get to thinking…
…They have a roof over their head and seem happy!

…By now a considerable amount of beers has been consumed by these women.
Is it the alcohol they are consuming making them think their financial situation/housing is normal?
What’s normal these days?

They are sitting next to each other…
Roxy has long stringy black hair and is sporting a dirty cream cut off at the arms raggy t-shirt with holes in it as Tasha, also...stringy… blond hair out of the mid 80’s with teased bangs and her blue eye liner…
...starts touching Roxy’s right breast…RIGHT in front of us…
…Kat said later she thought they wanted us to join them…no thank you…not my type, certainly not Kat’s…
 Roxy... “Stop touching me there.”
Tasha...“I love you, can’t I touch you?”
Roxy...“You are embarrassing them.”
Tasha...“I’m not touching you anywhere I shouldn’t…we are partners…”...
…”Plus…I’m now I’m only touching your belly…”

The Children were across the way at a playground acting all crazy and Child like...

Tasha had just moved her hand down to Roxy’s obviously over indulge, fat ample belly…neither one of them were poster women for good health, style or any thing other that can be described as trailer trash?

Note…Who am I to judge these two women who are comfortable in their sexuality and have been nothing but welcoming to us?
They are making the best out of their circumstances and the shit that life has thrown at them.
…I hate that I am sitting there judging and know I will talk smack later about it/them with Kat...

Later Kat points out the top front of the trailer above the windshield in big letters is the campers title header name brand…
We can’t stop fucking laughing. We wonder if Roxy and Tasha are aware. I’m sure they are.
Did they hunt around just to find this particular one?

Several days later as we sitting and chating with one of my sisters at my Mom and Dads which has been fondly named, Camp Walland, Janet says…
J…”You should just tell people you are sister wives.”

Why? Why should we have to explain we are just friends and neighbors?

Forgive me for judging. I’m normal…It’s something I don’t like about myself.
I am no better than these women whose mitigating circumstances have brought them to this place in life.

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