Sunday, July 24, 2011

Movies Vs Reality: Friends With Benefits

Love Stories: Movie ones Vs Reality…
Love Stories: Friends With Benefits.
Love Stories: No Strings Attached.
Love Stories: Movies ones Vs Reality...

My taste in films differs then that of the 'normal' girl.
My girl friends drag me along to the theater every few months. I’m not on the selection committee. They take me to see those silly 'love' stories.
You know the kind I am talking about?
They are about as quickly written as a box of instant mashed potatoes is cooked, both leave an odd aftertaste as well. Some people like instant mashed potatoes.

Those kind of films also make me SAD. I despise being sad, it is just THE most unrealistic crap.

I also have observed that they give women/girls the wrong idea…I’m sorry ladies/girl’s there is no such thing as a knight in shining armor, carriage rides or any such crap thing.
I’ll cover more of this at the end of this TrainWreck Blog.

I look at these films as…
...'I think there is a better chance of something paranormal happening to me before love.'
I don’t like instant mashed potatoes.

Last night we went to see 'Friends With Benefits'
SuppoSadly Supposedly a modern day love story.
Is there really such a thing as a modern day love story?

Justin is…”Emotionally unavailable."
Mila is…”Emotionally damaged."
…Helllloooooooo…if you are single you are probably either one or the other or you are so ‘emotionally damaged’ you become 'emotionally unavailable’!
…and with time and experience it becomes a dreadful spiral down into an abyss...
Have you met me yet?

The negatives…
…It was sold as a ROMANTIC comedy.
However, just like the film 'Bridesmaids', in the trailer they didn’t show anything pertaining to a serious undertone…
…Having to deal with a family member that has oldtimers alzheimer’s.
My GodMother, a beautiful, intelligent, strong woman….and WAY to young…has alzheimer's. I didn’t want to think about my cousins and my GodFather having to deal with this so sad degenerative disease and her own struggle knowing what’s happening to her!
I wanted to laugh…not get all introspective!…again!
…It went on forever…

The positives…
…The trailers did not show every funny bit of the film…they were a few more…
…Justin Timberlake has an amazing body and I got to see is ass butt...
…I love seeing Flash Mobs...
…I liked Mila’s Mom’s character and Woody Harrelson is hilarious...
…It was much better than 'No Strings Attached’…

If you want to watch a really good ‘Love’ story…

There are a couple of ROMANTIC stories I do like, adore them is more appropriate probably. These were written with thought and depth…they are real to me. Real to me like butter is real…not that fake margarine hogwash. (I’m continuing my reference to mashed potatoes…use butter!)

'Like Water For Chocolate
I never watch the dubbed version. The Spanish is the best. It’s a love story I understand, fraught with food, love, deception, family quarrels and...I’ll mention again the food. It’s probably my favorite movie of all time if anyone asked me, “What’s you’re favorite movie of all time?” I would answer, ‘Like Water For Chocolate’.
Gertrudis, Mama Elena, Rosaura, Pedro and my hero, Tita.
Tita is the daughter of Elena. Tita is a brilliant cook. She puts her heart, soul and feelings into everything she makes. As she does this those feelings are transferred to those that eat her food, be it happiness, sadness or something a little more on the erotic side…I dream of people feeling the emotions I put into the food I make. I thirst that I could have the prowess Tita has in La Cocina.
I am not gonna give you a low down on the whole film. If you’ve never seen it, you should.
I also own the book, it’s pages turned with love many times.

Another of my other favorite love stories is..

The End Of The Affair’.
It’s a strange love story that takes place during the London Blitz. It’s about two Men who love one Woman. I find the heart of this movie places some in an uncomfortable position. I will repeat, I find the heart of this movie places some in an uncomfortable position. I cry every time I watch it.
…It’s a REAL story about love.

I’ve been on maybe 10 real dates in the last 2 years…Holyshit…It’s been 3, not 2 years…
I’ve had FWB/NSA/FB and the such..hell, we all have needs…I’m not ashamed…
…I however have coined another more polite name for it…
…In HomeDating…
I do not however have one night stands.

It’s actually easy to compartmentalize and NOT get involved emotionally with someone.
…and much safer.

A bit of advice ladies/girls…
…If you want flowers buy them yourself.
…If you want a Knight in shining armor learn to fight for yourself.
…Some men are actually just as emotionally unstable as women.
…Let go of your idea of an ideal man…everyone has some issues and you should date out of your box once in awhile. This isn’t me telling to lower your standards…you should NOT do that, not ever. 

…The moment your sixth sense tells you it’s wrong…it is…GET OUT!
…On-line dating is stupid.

…When on a first date…
If you like him let him pay.
If you don’t like him go dutch.
…When on a second date…
If you like him YOU pay.
If you don’t like him…you should not be out with him.
Tell your friends with who and where you are going…and let them know when you get home.

…Be yourself…even if you are a totally dork.
…Don’t try to be all cool, that makes you NOT cool.
…Sex…If you have a 3rd or 5th date rule…you are a grown up. Stop with the rules. I have rules and wish I didn’t because whenever I break them I either miss out or…well, it wasn’t worth my naked time.

I consider my writing/blog a warning/caution sign for men…
I don’t need saving.  
…Men want to save…and they think they can…they can’t. 

Note…I’ve noticed that many men I have been with end up with a needy, on the verge of psycho, drama queen. 
I wonder what attracts them to these attributes?
It confuses the shit out of me.
I’m not that. 
…Ok, The above statement could be argued…My POV is that if there is/was any drama it was created by THEM not me…and I would argue that point till you are sick of my voice!
If I was I probably would have a boy-friend.
I am emotionally damaged therefor emotionally unavailable.
…but the ride down into the emotional void abyss is only temporary for me…because I always have company…
…The Un-Holy Trinity that makes Me, Myself and I…Kristin.

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