Sunday, September 15, 2024

Tyrian Purple


Into the fog into the know crawl into the overhead water feel the flow spin in to space where time is a place, stay hidden from eyes that think they see from space

there the crowd stood, some arm in arm

the view up above was of light a hue of iridescent pearl

only the faithful that gathered viewed the scene

a day hidden in true till was in need

bolts of fire fell from the clouds

enter the time of the planetr people can't See

for Saturn was Golden a beautiful start

then Jupiter ruled and what do you say

that's read into threes but

times split in sevens as this is the way

all true in the same 

for a thousand more till the end 

until that time you will have to fend

change can come in Good foundation ways 

let go of spite and See the May

Once in a great crescent moon

we call hither and yonder

tongues call the same name

you might think it farther

there all around 

signs you should no more ponder



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