Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Badge of Honor


The sky above did show the way through paths of clouds where matter formed

whhhoooosh go by oh what was that

Maxwell Azzerello outside the Trump trial in New York City

April 19th Plant City Florida, some guy in Publix sets himself on fire

there was another the other day

Sept 11, this year, a guy outside the four seasons in Boston

Sept 16, Matt Nelson outside the Israeli Consulate in Boston

I was looking up all the self immolation of late, not for fun, it's one of my gauges.

Just a real quick reality check for the folxk in the back of the room that just want to go along to get along and then run to their therapist because someone said something they didn't want to hear within their vicinity or yours. 

You See, you say we have a mental health issue in the west but that is not what we have, vast swaths of our population are being fed certain stories via their personality tests at the beginning of this charade, every question answered or choice made showed the system what to put in front of you as they move the Overton window over just a bit more and defenestrate you or you jump voluntarily, and then over some more. The Overton window of wrong is little lies you and others tell yourself. 

Hang with me through this, I'm going some where and I want to take you with me...into the extreme

I recall someone saying to me the other day, I'm paraphrasing and this statement was directed at me, "You take everything to the extreme." It was in regards to a moment like this when I try as hard as I might to whisper into your soul, 

if you wonder what is wrong with people and why their mental state might be such a disaster, well, this is why you aren't supposed to lie....when people are constantly lying to themselves, being lied too, being lied about it, it can cause great distress in the firing of neurons and can and may be the reason we have malfunctions in our system management (besides the jab). You know this is correct. How do you correct it when only you control you? 

This is why I go to the extreme, there is actually no nuance with life and death. ...and everyone has an opinion*, can you imaging the harm you do to your brain when you have to convince yourself that doing the most horrific thing is ok cause your life will be better for it. When discussing abortion, every woman knows that's HER baby she killed and every doctor and clinician knows they are ending a life, even if it's with a poison pill. Can you imagine going through life having to justify that you killed your own child because that child was inconvenient for you or what ever reason you gave yourself. 

Now, please don't say to me, "Kristin, you have to forgive people." This is incorrect, I am judging them here on this plane as examples of what not to be, I can not forgive someone for something they did not do to me. This statement is to the Christian believer, when you allow the excuse for the sacrifice of life, killing of one for another for a better well you get it yet? I'm whispering deep into your soul

Also real quick, our system does not care in truth about the health of the mother or they would not insist a scheduled birth time and then a C section when she doesn't dilate, because the baby wasn't ready yet and wait, mo money, mo money mo money, they don't care about you or the baby...get them poison jabs in those plump little fat arms...

"You don't know what their situation is." You can wipe that one off the map, this is a moral foundation lesson, there is not a situation where you get to kill someone because they are inconvenient. 

Popping a pill that numbs your brain also isn't going to make you better. 

You See I started this out with people setting them selves on fire...Those people weren't crazy, they wanted you to hear something and they had been censored and shushed about something important happening that the person that won't allow real conversation and can only focus on pretend magic stories while real voodoo is happening to them. The fed masses repeat the line that, "they were crazy", have you looked at yourself to wonder how people are being driven crazy? Or are you an NPC that just repeats lines fed to you?

Who came up with the idea that killing your offspring should be a badge of honor? 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

There was the sound of a printer in the background, vrrrrruuuupppp vuuuurrrrruuuuuppp, she could hear the mechanisms move about to start another row, she wondered what colour ink the white paper would display. 

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