Sunday, September 8, 2024

Modernity is Poison


Here's a mind dump spun from a song sung by a polymath and whistled back to me

What people believe moves them. 

Why did they pick Kamala? 

Why do people think their speech is free* on X bought with pretend money by the guy that gets people from earth to the space station for this great nation; is it numbered and sorted? I'm not saying I'm not for space travel, mars, and such...these times are information war fare times where regular people are distracted by a balloon in the sky as the satellite up yonder captures you eating a hot dog, Chicago loaded at Lowes, and they can hear you chat with Ronnie as he asks you how you like your Elk Sausage as they* choose a memory for you as you scroll through your social media and you get a ting of nostalgia that takes you away from reality or into temptation. This is what critical thinking actually looks like.   

See the disguise under the mask wrapped in a lie or is it the truth hidden in the open; can you discern the in-between? It's a strange place to thread a needle left handed when the old way was right.

Why does anyone believe what a State official expert says? I really want to know. 

As Bret Weinstein travels from podcast place to YouTube special space disguising a very important September 29th date. Did I hear his brother Eric say, 'I only went on Rogan at the request of Rogan' ...Terrance Howard and the 8th dimension squared by 2" Terrance's Angel is an algorithm fed to him. 

Be contrary is what I hear; it's a lifestyle for me dear. 

I wonder how many of the Dead Sea Scrolls or Nag Hammadi Library codices are fakes written after World War Two to push and pull and what if none are? Eternity is like Open Space on Trantor to a person with out God as I hear chatter of some thinking dying is a problem.

That Crooks guy shot Donald Trump and it's not a story any more. ...and the SS/FBI let him. Ramaswamy says gut the bureaucracies. can we put criminals, real ones, where they should go? Real life check, the US government is the largest employee in the USA, contractors and postal workers count in statistical data collection, wanna pop an economy? will the bureaucracies let this certain death happen or when someone threatens to take your lively hood away do they fight back?

How many dimensions can you see? 10564 0r 10456

I hear war drums in all of them. 

Why? modernity is poison 


Be still and Listen

One day I will tell you a story 

everything matters and everything can change ...on the turn of a dime, or however much it costs now.

if you can touch something you can move it, everything is matter, from light to sound and everything all around. 

Take a deep breath in, nothing is what it seems and it's way worse than you think. 

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