Monday, September 30, 2024

Hey, Neighbor


There I was in an emotional state of thinking


Is not


Why do people feel anger? 

In the good old USSA we are supposed to be a constitutional republic with representatives that are supposed to speak with our voice. We don't have that.

How many city council electees or mayor stories are there where they are feckless citizens that either think they know better because they were elected (repeat, we elect a representative to speak with our voice) and do what they want or aren't really elected just selected would be more like it.

It might make people angry if we all agreed on some laws and then the elected decided not to enforce those laws putting regular Marsha, Martha, and Mary in harms way.

The saddest part of the story is that these people that represent* citizens are your neighbors that you have to live with and be kind towards while they add another fee to something and another camera to an intersection to film the crime, not stop it, or another housing area while they pipe your recycled sewage to your home for you to drink. 

Hey, neighbor. 

Follow the money and find the truth....and then what...we keep hearing the same stuff...

Don't do anything. Say it out loud...but don't do anything, protest peacefully?

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

The pharmaceutical companies and those that sell the poison? Be's just their job. 

The politicians...just doing their job.

The fda, the cdc, the first, the, the, the I see more and more and more and more...

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