Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Golden Rule


I feel like I've been gone and also come and brought along spun through the old and popped up somewhere between what is here and there a past of bold yet foretold is true to come.

Angels over head as monarchs fly by

weak men with toothless heads that lie in the stead

This morn I peered into the looking glass

and where there were three there are now four with sprout of sun also in three

the destroyer behind with the pearl dragon at her back

upon holy land she stands for where death walks fire is at hand

the time is still at five till nine

till the key is turned

and we start again

In truth I'm appalled not surprised as I heard a woman shrill she wanted the kill, of the babies that were made as an after thought of delight, but workers unite for the right to keep on you don't have maternally leave and then decide family is the way to be because when you get old who will look after thee? So treat your child fair and they in turn will grow to be right.

I digressed, I was actually going somewhere but I get caught in prose. 

Watching Harris demand the right to kill the unborn was that of a religious fanatic, a fundamentalist. The fundamental=base line is the right to kill babies, and yes, they do partial birth abortions in 9 states; I don't know about New Zealand, Australia, Germany, but I know in the UK it's against the law to pray in your head for the life of an unborn baby. Human sacrifice is the base line=fundamental tenet in their #science religion, where they worship pills and injections, and the rich pay for the unborn baby blood infusions, you didn't know or you think no one would do that? Some one that thinks no one would do that hasn't seen real voodoo yet, but you are going to. 

When you hear a head on a screen say, "yeah, but we can all agree that we have more in common than we don't." They are implying that the murder of unborn babies isn't that important when in actuality those that support the murder of unborn babies have no morality with which to stand in sacrifice (so you can get on with your life, go back to work or school) is wrong; you are who you hang out with, you become who you emulate.

Oh, and when someone decides to argue that wrong* is subjective, you should punch them in the face and then ask them if it's subjective.  

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

Human beings are property, careful with whom you call out your owner with words and deeds.

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