Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Star Date: Sixteen, Seven, Twenty Twenty four


The word we weave we spell we plan and we pray time will tel

into the mist round to spin 

feel the soft wet upon your skin

the sky falls dark 


not there

a soft glow of gold holds you in the air

you can feel the lift of the wind that binds you 

every movement tethered to find you

all the eyes see through the wind 

8 legs feel

it's time to start the end

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

Always dressed to fit in she weaved her way through the grounds 

on a thread not to be found silent up and through the trees and then back down

she did sweetly sit upon his knee with out an earthly sound she sang

a song for none before her till the time was done it would wait to be heard as one

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