Thursday, July 11, 2024

St Benedict

I write in a state of disappointment in man kind. 

I look around at the world, this earthly plane, I see rot draped in goodness and rot draped in goodness plastered with badges of lies. I see envy and blame being taught by and to every tom dick and harry. People that pray in the way ofor the unborn are prosecuted and abortion is glorified in Truth. If you ask why, most make excuses if they call themselves by ways of the Sons name. I know I say it often but government agencies poison actual real peoples bodies, minds, and souls with pharmaceuticals and chemicals they say are safe, mental health treatments that make most at best weak and pathetic, easy to manipulate, as they feed you evil over airwaves. What do you do with a mass of people that are so lazy and unlikable because they weare told they weare special and people are kind. 

I hear 'stop being divisive' but sadly people were pushed out overton windows, defenestrated if I may, when they were told to put masks over their faces because some one else was made to be scared, or helpful in the most tyrannical way and they still don't see themselves having any need to change...because they repeat, the science changed; it's insufferable, disingenuous, and yes, evil, haven't you noticed, healthy* people are dropping dead after getting this magical elixir brought to you buy pick you corporation that never pays a price, "Oh, did you hear about the new shot?! You just lose weight, you don't have to do anything. All you do is take this shot for the rest of your life on a whatever bi basis, yeah so you lose bone density, the earth is ending anyway you should look good while it happens...oh, yeah your food just sits in your stomach and rots there for days because your intestines have been paralyzed or whatever"...sounds fun and please don't kink shame. 

We speak of kindness but this system fines and declares a felon the corporation of Boeing...for the deaths of how many hundreds of people and not one executive will go to jail for saving $ on a screw. Not one real live person will be punished appropriately, the head of the whole shibang...whateves bitchs. 

What breaks my heart the most is those that see the way and walk from it or preach away from it. One day let us speak of humane and inhumane and mayhaps you will See on different planes. 

Meanwhile in low earth's too late, read the ahead, war is above and all around. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

I recall days long in time where they taught of fire you could not extinguish, it draped the sky and lit the earth, the water all did turn red. The passion of Her Sacred Heart, from which all graces flow. 

here I come,

come one,

come none,

for naught if zilch

where I See in the firmament

another bites the dust

down under

here I levitate 

in your dreams

I catch you through the seams

beams of blue and green

with waves of dread

The screaming of humans with flesh of fire is a sound not to be written, almost a vacuum of space, time always wants to forget. 

The year was 2024 and there was war everywhere where people could ignore. 

She was wearing loose over alls the colour of a deep sea before a storm, a garden worker uniform, short unfussy hair with grey at the sides, with poppy red boots made of rubber to protect her feet from the rebel that is terra. A bead of water she could feel, as it balanced on a few hairs on her left ear. 



C   S   S

N  D  S  M  D

P   M  B


Pure of heart I knelt and said the sacred words from my head

through arches of time we walk a circle in a fine line

Thank you God for all you have given

I pray the seeds sewn find the light and reach the heavens


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