Wednesday, July 17, 2024



The game they play. 

The war I am in.

I had on the Republican National Convention for a bit last evening...

The RNC is having speeches...

"Yeah Trump!"

"Better economy!"

"God Bless our troops!"

...Normal shit they have been doing for all these years, pretending and bloviating...The former President was almost assassinated (and the State isn't even trying to hide they probably not only had a hand and also don't care because they understand they are at war and you don't), he's prosecuted endlessly as are regular citizens who are imprisoned today, at the States discretion of course, by State and the federal government. State run schools weaponize children against their parents...should I go on? Joe Biden threatened* US citizen/subjects with f16's and they fenced in the Capitol when they installed him...and pointed their weapons out. 

The President (for how long this this gone on and stop pretending it will always be this way) is a figure head, his team isn't really in charge. The deep State, which one? The administration/bureaucracy? Alphabet? Bankers? Something else entirely, that's worse. 

I hardly see any one with eyes open to the seriousness of the situation.


Vote harder, buy another gun

One day I will tell you a story

Be still and listen

The year was 2001, it was the middle of September and the twin towers had been raised. 

    The gold Mercedes sedan pulled to the gate at the edge of the bridge, two lions standing guard, two more at the other end. The driver, a soldier but not dressed as one, opened the door and stepped from the vehicle and the warm salty air about to turn met the cold recycled conditioned air. The passenger, a young woman opened her window so she could hear the men, "the mirror sees where we can't." She would have called him Captain obvious but the boy was all but 19 with 3 stripes and an important roll to play, he was guarding important things. Everything had changed since she had last traversed this bridge, the gate now active and the uniform was now all business. The war business looked fresh on the guard but it had always been at hand.

    The year was 2002, it was some time in February that seemed to have drawn on to March. We had to make our way to the embassy again, another interview for another stamp by a person we would meet again down the road in another land across a sea, for another stamp. An impediment of bureaucracy had kept us long but the importance of the trip, the diplomacy involved and the package more precious than most could grasp. Then went boom and we were whisked away to our gated haven, all stamps instantly approved.

    The year was 1996, it was a hot June day, I had just dropped him off at the terminal where they would take flight, have a stay in Khobar, then off to war.

    The year was 1991, it was a cool January day in Florida, we had had word that it would be quick and then done. 

    The year was 1979, it was November in the Middle East and the Sultans birthday was upon us. The air filled with out bursts of brain storms, dry of ideas and whispers of plans inside plans. The guard at the gate had help now as the 3 buildings that towered him had trained marksmen upon them. The thump, thump, thump, of the Hueys in formation flew over on schedule, morning, noon, and night. In the late after noon you could sometimes smell the metal in the air and taste of iron on your tongue. 

    The year was 2010, 

it was early June,

 the rumble of the rocket reverberated through the air 

as it hit the helicopter in mid air. 

They didn't all die at once, 

he had to wait for death.


The year is 2024

 you are in a war.

The State is at war with the people

It is a soft war

It is a hard war

It is an in-between war

It is an information war

It is a communications war

It is a war on your sovereignty 

It is war on your health

It is a war on your children

It is a war for families

It is a war for your ability to say no

act like it.

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