Thursday, July 18, 2024

Analysis of A Moment


I feel the waters rushing through me, flowing here and rushing there, my mind it works in circles faster and faster so hold on to the frey. Let's spin down together as fast as we can, details aside you can see the plan. 

Recall those days back in Georgia, 

car bombs

microwave weapons 

the sweet sound of the range

 and a sky to move freely through 

except for the sticky in the air

Everything is on the table when you have an out come that will be, that someone is, "willing to be".

Now start thinking, really thinking of the obscure, the 'out of this worlds', the 'no way's', 'did they do that and get away with it', and some 'no way that's real's'. 

Cause you just saw some live

Now out of the box and in to the cauldron where we spin and stir and make black pills

Trump hasn't chosen a decent member of his crew in how long? Has he ever? Bill Barr? Pence? (his public relations women are good, at what they do.) 

His running mate is announced after an assassination attempt.

His running mate worked in* finance, not what you think of as finance, the selling of information kind of finance.

Take some more black pills Kristin

The people that poisoned humanity with a man made vectored virus...walking free...but please tone down the rhetoric.

How many talking heads got in front of eyes, where ears could hear and said, 

"the unvaccinated shouldn't be allowed to walk in society."-in so many words. 

How many regular, normie people repeated it?

The Republican National stuff is a joke, and Trump is the head of that joke now, with teamsters the head speakers; for fucks sake, as Elon gives mucho dinero, the same one that opens bay doors then turns off cameras.

Take some more black pills Kristin

Joe Biden has Covid and the President of Mexico is a Jewish woman. Stop it. How many assassination happened before their election?

The State lies about every number concerning goods and services and indexing them to manipulate our financial system, meanwhile that the system we have to move through...don't for get it was our governments that made the world stop, so they could redirect it. 

If you saw an Angel before you in the sky, floating, would you believe it? 

If someone showed you fire falling from the sky what would you think it would be, space debris or rocks? 

They have cameras every where from FedEx trucks to parking lot corners, the front and back of your communicator and some even your stove. The criminal is who they want it to be not the ones that do the harm to thee. The other day our local news 'celebrated' the 18th kia steal smh and grab...3 days later I think it's 20 now. Why are Kia and Hyundai not fixing the theft problem with their vehicles...

I no longer think mistakes are made.

Malice is at hand.

So here we are on this random day in July, in the year 2024.  

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

As they tether bitcoin to the US dollar. 

I feel the water rushing over me and not a care I have for this world, for here or there it's somewhere else as the rose of Sharon blooms.

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