Saturday, February 26, 2022

Deep Theory


War what is it good for...that phrase is reverberating in my head. 

How many battles did you study? Marathon? Salamis? Kandahar? Dhofar? Shanghai? "I choose each one of those for specific reasons"...said the 'suburban wine mom' to her children as she drove them the hour plus to school it took, hoping they could think of their studies she put in their heads. Application of studies is the only reason to study such things. To learn the why; the how, know when to not, and to know when through others experiences. 

Lives change and people change with wars, not just lives and limbs lost. 

Real people, real lives, real death.

Ask first why there is a conflict. 

How do you stop a war? Sanctions? Stop all financial systems from working? Is taking someones livelyhood away from someone going to make a man with a finger on the button care what you do? It depends on the first question, why.

Do they* really want to stop it? That is a legitimate question. If you do not ask it, you are not serious. 

Wars are great money makers for governments that have printed themselves and mismanaged their finances to make a comeback...War theory 201. War is a great distraction from the shit they have piled on populations across the globe the last few years? (going on what 100...?)

It's so not funny to me how they exited Covid and entered this...conflict.

The seriousness of this is not lost on me. The motives are also not. Human nature through time acts like a fool, consistently. We elect incompetent people because we know their names. We also know our State entities do not have the best interest of the People at heart...they prove that over and over...those that disregard this are foolish. ...impressionable and mindless automatons.  World leaders jacked our ride to the future with their own ineptitudes and folly, or were they actions for a desired affect? are going to listen to them now?

When you do your best to crush a nation financially it has the same out come in the end, years down the road, given time, except Carthage. To crush something completely and extinguish all life is the only way to cleanse the enemies land. That is a super uncomfortable thought, as I sit at the base of Cheyenne mountain, this is never lost on me.

We can wage this war from space and you would know it on land. We can wage this war on Terra and you will feel the cost in your home. Americans as a whole do not fear war; most are not touched by it except a clip on their screen or a tweet or post here or there. I don't want a world where I have to worry about my Children going off fighting for anothers whim. I'm tired of war. I do not want to be the Mom at the bed side of my Child seeing their body blown to shreds, like Wiz. I do not want to see the afters like the countless others that came back and could never get back themselves...all to fill the coffers of our great leaders. 

This is Pandoras box with Schrödinger's cat knocking it off the table. The many outcomes are mostly not desired and all we will have left is Hope. 

I'm frightened some more for our Children, they always pay the price.  

Are you seeing that which they want you to see? 

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