Sunday, February 6, 2022

What is Your Destiny?


How do you fix a complex system that is broken?

How do we bring God in to the lives of our Children?

Is that one of the correct questions? 

It doesn't seem worded correctly.

How do you know not to fix something? 

Faith in something more than any human.

Consequences for actions time eternal

When do you know to start over, with lessons applied?

Knowledge and truth based

It's not just a complicated subject it's intimidating with it's breadth 

Human kind needs help

It's our Pride every time.

While reading what I have typed I want you to think about something at the same time... We still don't know where man came from.

Civilization is coming apart at the seams and the thread pullers aren't stopping. Normies are hanging on to a thread not accepting of the consequential knowledge that there is no substance to their...said slowly, it's hard to grasp... all of it, your way of life, future, society, it's all gone, what you see is just an illusion of what was. Their plan is to take everything apart (it's been done systematically to use a term popular today but in truthful and factual application)...and build it back better, or what they have decided they think is better. These people are not elected and have no God...They answer to themselves only and they believe they are entitled to rule over Plant Earth-absurd isn't it? I know it's a joke in the space of the nets but in reality while we play on line...they are making it happen. While you read about news networks or some coup in a land far away or a Canadian PM calling everyone ha/ollow/ed names, the State is working on taking your whole future you worked for. You don't get any choices in communism. What nest egg. "You will own nothing". This isn't some secret. Notice what they tell you and what they don't; a lie is always cloaked in the truth.

They took through mandates, childhoods and futures, growing businesses from everyday normal people, closed them down and fear mongered the population on Earth-with their creation. State officials did that with the help of someone, *just following orders*. 

They desecrated everything. 

You know it's true but it's really difficult to wrap your head around. I get it; no one knows what to do either. There are also no real leaders that can think big enough and small enough to navigate something so...massive and comprehensive; corruption all over the world. (Your State and town too, don't look to the Capitol for help, they walled that bitch in and increased their policing jurisdiction.) Everything is in place, there is only one thing holding them back in the USA, and everyone knows it.

We are soverign, each one of us. As an American Citizen you have no ruler above you but your God. That is our way; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are not a race of people we are an ideology. No ruler but the God above you to strike you down and consequences that take you to the pit of hell if behave poorly and a nation of laws where no one is above them; we all know that isn't true...A little advise from the history buff and political junkie that has lived and traveled this world, been there and done that, and is a sexual intellectual...they aren't going to give up, this is their mission in life. It takes one to know one*. A divorce won't work, I hate to be the hole poker in the plan... This is a world wide issue...start thinking bigger.

The UN and everything attracted to it, are all corrupted. The highest offices of almost every country in the world is rotten and profiting off of you. All of them. You know it too. 

Look around and tell me I'm wrong. I want to be wrong. I'm the one person in this world that wants to say...I was wrong the whole time. Your society isn't crumbling before our eyes, our State entities aren't trying to control as many aspects of your life as they can. I was wrong, the media doesn't lie to you all day and night and if they are wrong about something they just change the definition. I was wrong, that virus isn't so small (5000x smaller than the hole in your mask). I was wrong, it can't get through the blood brain barrier and placenta. I was wrong, you really can make a man into a woman; I'm not wrong about any of it and that is unnerving. 

The people that think they want this don't have any idea what they are doing. They think it will all work out. Their plan never works but mass murder always transpires. I don't think they teach this in school with clarity. 

There were no Christian churches when we moved to Oman. Our Priest, Father Bart (Barnabas) received special dispensation directly for the Sultan Bin Said Kaboos to build one for us. We didn't grow up on a military installation with comforts of home built in. It was a compound of concrete buildings with armed guards on our roofs...and a gate man that mostly slept with his feet up as his dash weighed him down. The helicopters flying over in formation and your mom coming home with dried blood on her uniform.  

How many Churches were burned down in Canada in the last 2 years? How many clergy arrested? 

We don't know anything. Everything we thought was true is not. From Darwins theory of evolution to what is written into our DNA to quarks and how when we turn a light off the electrons do not move they way they do when the light is on. Historically (the written word), ancient (not written) discoveries, older than what we thought existed...everything is different, our timeline that we thought was real is not...they did not know what they did not know, you do not know what you do not know. What I do know is the practice of Eugenics is alive and well-humans need to get a handle on that philosophy and quash it, time eternal.  

One of our problems is that our roots aren't deep enough and our old books don't have the answers for what we created. -We will run into this again- 

If you could lay a base for a society to grow fruitfully across the universe and a new world, what would you do and why? 

In regards to complex systems how do we repair a whole system when each part has been systematically damaged? 

How often did you as a parent tell your child, "You can't believe everything on the internet."You know the people on your screen are not your friend. They have no interest in telling you anything truthful. If something is are what is for sale. Said the farmer to the pig as he fed the beast that sat in it's own waste.

One way we can do better for the future is start speaking up and saying no to the ridiculous. We can turn this around if people get their head out of the sand and stop being scared of their neighbor; that is the tactic that makes people easiest to control

There is no more time for being nice. 

What if I explained it like this...

There is a group of people that don't know what is going on yet but can see that State officials and their policies seem to continually not work well. They see it more and more but have no one to really believe in. No one to turn to, and certainly no solutions. They are hanging on knowing things are turning to shit. They are under the assumption that it is just bad policy and leadership. 

They don't know that it is purposeful. 

No one can be this inept. 

The economy in collapse...what are their policies but debt and print money? We know from past experience that all this does is crush's a proven fact, we aren't in theory any more. I'm a half mathematical retard and I know this. 

(mathematics=dyscalculia/everything=theory. all things are not equal but there is balance.)  

The crushing of the supply chain was calculated. This is becoming common knowledge now. For you to grasp their plan of utopia in a few words, 'you don't get any choices'. They are conditioning you to be with out. It sounds absurd I know, none of this was chance. In chaos there is order if you look close enough (but wait there's more). Once in awhile I'm writing and I can't believe people don't discuss these very important matters and how to fix bring back at least the Ten Commandments. Good Lord you have to have some kind of moral fiber for your future to succeed. An alter thought in my head said, someone will think you are loony. I know in the future you will have to create a new society because I know what they did to this one and this one never lasts because its caniablistic. 

Let's say they are on their way to accomplishing their goal of minimizing the human population for the immediate future. 

Recall, we still don't know where man came from. Darwin's theory of origins was flawed and disproven in regard to humans. Keep all this in mind; because someone presents a theory does not make it so. Models are based on theories founded on anecdotes. This is where I tell you data is anecdotal, just collected a certain way. If it is not collected or ignored you have incomplete data. It also has to be something that can actually be measured, not a feeling. I know this is obvious but doesn't seem common knowledge. 

Looked around, see what is happening and what they are telling you is happening. The 2 do not equate. Just because someone says it to be true means nothing. 

 They didn't say, here, look for yourself...they said stop looking.



We are here to catch you and have the tools. 

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