Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Predictive Processing



State Officials and World Leaders don't care about you.

Most of them are bona fide corrupt, vile people.

Malicious and hateful, some would say evil.

The world is similar to a video game to them.

You are not even a pawn.

They think you are STUPID.

I do not. 

Not one of them care about your history, your family, or your culture. They believe themselves to be above you; why wouldn't they(?), the people voted them to be In Charge, or they were born that way, or they have been working the J.O.B. forever, working the system...or that is what they say.  They are often prideful and lacking consequential knowledge of complex systems. All it takes is one cog to set something rolling. This is a prestigious problem.

I love a good brainstorm as a reminder of 'information traffic patterns'...come along for just a few howdoyados...good luck with order, but in chaos you will find order, isn't that what they say...?

How serious are State leaders in truth?

What do they want? What is their prime directive? How dedicated/fanatical are they? 

I'm going to explain to you the end games in Schrödinger’s Cat language (?)- we are in a fascinating time, pivotal you might say and no matter what Universal sphere we end up in shouldn't we make it the best we can? Ask your self deep down how far they are willing to go to get what they want; and if you could see into the future just a bit you might be able to help shape it by planting an oak tree for the shade of a generation to come. 

One group wants a Universal ID, they believe if they can keep track of every human they can control their behaviors to their liking. Heed you might say. This is not theory, this is in practice at this moment. Some of you might see/read this and say, "that doesn't sound bad..." You really will have no rights, not to speak out, not to make yourself better then your neighbor, not to have an opinion other then the States; unless you are in charge of food distribution...then you understand the system. 

There is another group that believes humans are animals and are a parasite on planet Earth. They hate you; the SUV you drive, the trips to Cancun that pollute the sky. Your inane conversations never mind how they* do and what they*'s you Atlas that holds up the world...the cog that gets things rolling they wished they didn't have to see. There is an infestation of humans in their eyes, like Rats in Australia during the rainy season; it grosses them out. 


What people detest realizing is that every man made system is replaceable and only man made systems benefit man. If man is God why can't man shape the world? Why do we exist if not for some purpose even if it's man made? Humanism simply put for the laymen. 


A few fun facts for laughs...

#1. I believe most States in the US and Provinces in Canada have it written into law in some way, a provision to detain a citizen for no reason other then they want to. 

#2. The Federal government in the US manages all Interstate systems and did you know we practice landing our A-10's on them? -that last bit is just cool because why would it matter?

#3. Australia has camps and the people cheer it on.

How far are they willing to go? 

The Universal ID for everyone on the planet where they track your every move, suspend you for behavior unfitting by their opinion. I am under the impression now that still few know this or understand the ramifications and it is absolutely 100 percent just to track you. Australia has camps for those suspected of coming in contact with...the reason doesn't matter, they imprison people. Let go of the virus in all your thinking. It's not about a virus. (A tree is a tree the language does not matter. If you are not allowed to leave a place you are a prisoner), let that sink in, seriously take a moment if you have to and reflect.


There really is a conspiracy to take over the whole wide world and Australia has proven what it can make a society do...They only have one answer to all their pesky problems of human nature, erase it. ...but wait there's more. Or have they censored it? You aren't allowed to compare anything happening now to the holocaust...different language and uniforms..."but, same same."


They call it different names these days but really it's all base line the same: Marxism, Communism, Modernity, Fascism, and a fanatical wing dedicated to The Science, it's a mix of all of it to include a dollop of Dictatorship. They have a 'Voodoo brigade' scaring the shit out of everyone. Someone is going read that last sentence and think I mean it literally. If you interpret that in any way other than a bunch of people that seem to have you walking like zombies under their control then that is on you but I know Voodoo when I see it- now I'm laughing, 'I know Voodoo when I see it' and this is a serious matter...

There is an anonymous system at Yale where you can tattle on someone for an infraction of the 'new order' (?) (and is anyone getting the irony of the all of it?...and how much more can just be chance?) taking off a mask while alone, while a party of fellow classmates done naked face never get in trouble. How very communistic adjacent/ruling party over others are you really? 

In the old days you called them, 'the watchers'. 


Would you like me to tell you a very uncomfortable truth? I'm going to anyway... There actually are too many people on the planet. There is more then one solution to a problem. Acknowledging this is not the same as believing humans to be a parasite on Mother Earth. I believe in the beauty of the design, I believe it to be self evolving. 


Depopulation < Worst case scenario this is happening now and we deal with the ramifications. That doesn't sound ridiculous to some of us- it's the 'what if' factor that is infinitesimal but all things given it seems to be happening probability aside.  "The Data is polluted like your womb"- Said in my Cuban accent.

How well did they do? How soon will we know? (Crazy sounding isn't it? ...this is just part of it.) If they didn't make the impact they desired the first time around...get them a few rounds later? They don't want to cure cancer for just anyone, "Come on Man...". 

Fun Fact. Culling happens in different species naturally when the environment changes. In the deer population if a female can't get pregnant the first time around then it won't conceive in future seasons. Key note; deer are born as twins as a norm, they are also very familiar with adoptive practices. 

There is another way, migration. We are not allowed on Talos IV, said in humor and irony, it's a Star Trek reference General Order 7. It's just more Voodoo/mind control.


Trudeau had a snap election...recall that, s’il vous plaît. What happens next? Will the mandate be lifted? Saskatchewan didn't matter because they can suffocate or starve them...same with New Hampshire...(Stop yourself if you don't know what I'm talking about and find out.) Will the State come after them in financial ways? Will it be Reagan and the air controllers restyled? There is always someone else that can do the job. They can bring other people in  to do the job if they want, it's what we have an abundance of, people. 


Weather, climate, the actual State of Terra, "The Data is polluted like your womb"- Said in my Cuban accent again. It's one of the howdoyados.

I love the simplicity of a complex system when it moves like sound over the waves.


There is so much more to all this...There are some earnestly/very damnable/bad people out there...and they are running the show.

Be Still and Listen

One day you will read it in a story


I would feel better about all this if I was alien missionary studying Humans on plant Earth with nothing to lose. A space and time traveler watching your species, that I love to my core, ignite itself and I don't have anything in my doctrine that says I can't intervene. I wish. I wish I had the tools and the ability to fix this very complex problem. I wish. I wish people could hear the voice all around the world. I wish. They never like the answer though. I saw that in a twilight zone or some such, nothing is what it seems.


Their theories are flawed time and time again they forget or ignore the most important variable in their models, the human that is Pandora in Schrödinger’s box.  

Do you remember 1989? When the Wall fell? The dominos were falling all over. Do you remember the thump of the dance floors all across the globe as we celebrated? Does any one else remember East Germany? Poland? It gave us hope, and then Tiananmen Square came as a warning...

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