Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Time Over Matter


 Schrödinger's cat knocked Pandora's jar over

...and the cat escaped with the butterflies...The many outcomes of choices and butterfly effects are all happening at once, it's a pattern. It looks like chaos, right before something big happens...then add people to the equation with their human nature. This is a theory in practice as we see human nature cripple its self again. 

Routine brings us comfort in a chaotic world; even if you are chaos. Chaos loves routine, all good running systems do. Chaos is normally too frenetic for others to see as manageable, they think everything is out of control but in reality it's not order they can comprehend, until they can see it. It's a foreign dance that happens in cycles and when you turn the light on you see one dance, when the light is off how many dance cycles didn't you see because you were assuming you understood the pattern? Humans can only see light refraction.

Do you know how many things can be happening at once? 


"Take 3 steps back, slide to the left, look all around...go back in time..." you have to sing say that or it doesn't work.

Wave that matter interference like ya just don't care...

blue shift 
right quick
faster in time
red shift 
slow to left
whats north 
who knows
all time 
trickle down stream

Now sing it with me, "electromagnetic function."

I can't help the uncomfortable and cringe I create in others...its a gift. 


Stick with me...

Redshifts and blueshift are changes of light wave frequency we can detect that helps us see if an object is coming toward us or away. It is how we (the royal We, I don't measure well) measure the expansion of the universe as well.
Blueshift is where light wave lengths are shortened, moving toward you, an assault on your  communication enormous amount of noise in your visual path, sts. 
Redshift is where they are elongated, moving away from you; as the siren drove by your house and you knew whether it was coming or going instinctively. Compare it to history and time, the farther we travel forward the past moves farther behind us...the message of the past is dispersed into nothing eventually, unless it can be captured.  
Blueshift would be opening Tick tock with fast visual bites of information (the now). If you had the time you could look deeper. On the other side, the redshift, we have the time to turn around and read the data/history in the lightwaves. Similar to a long conversation with a friend that has many subjects in short hand, said with illusion, a story that gets bigger the farther it gets as it disperses its event history, literally covering space and time, always increasing. It's science fiction until it is science. Wait till you find out about the gravitational wave connection, and the disharmony it will cause matter below and above, now look at the tectonic plates, this to shall pass as north, lets hope we don't have a multitude of poles, you should know that the probability of everything that has happened lately, like life on earth, is in the vicinity of zilch. It's all routine. It's written down a few places, always different, but it always comes.

Time is not bothered by matter, matter is bothered by time. 
What if I told you We* could put information in an optical fiber, a hole in time...super advanced shit. Light waves can have data/messages in them, different then reading the data in the redshifted light waves, here we open the light wave, insert data and like that, magic, more magical then the Suter systems we use on our enemies, where we create a cyber Potemkin village, an undetected system disruption, like magic we control everything you see on a screen but if you look outside at the right time you will catch reality. Who are the enemies the days? We are always looking for modes of incorruptible communication lines but almost impossible. It's the Byzantine Generals problem. Like block chain secure, except as a human I know one thing we can do, we are hackers; in a multitude of definitions.

Policy is reality

Are you ready for a redshift? Because that matter wave be coming down the way and it has increased its frequency, that will be the blueshift, then impact, then the redshift. 
Put in to political terms I think you can see a blue shift in charge now, assaulting the airwaves with their Potemkin village. One day more will open their eyes and see the chaos created, done all in order with a side of human behavior. ...but wait there's more. This is not a Republican Democrat thing, this is better dead then Red, I think is the saying.


40 satellites from one company you would think do not fall out of the sky, why no others? They were at a low hold orbit, closer to our gravitational pull and solar flares are what I explained above. 
But also keep in mind Maristroyka is real.  

Sun Tzus The Art of War: "All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe that we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near."

Be still and listen 
One day I'll tell you a story


You have to know what to replace something with before you void it. 

Theory vs practice.

What we have is something happening now, in practice, the theory of communism is not a theory, and Darwin was wrong, and they are getting it all correct. Fascism and communism rolled together. I think more people see this now. This is not theory, this is practice. In practice they don't let go with out a fight. You may not be patient but don't under estimate their desire to lord over you, because in practice they always do. 

Communism does not work because it is not built on a stable platform. It is based on the outcome and there for flawed to its core. It discounts human nature in the equation of utopia, they erase that which doesn't make their theory work...some how. 

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