Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Tin Cap


Put your thinking (or tin) caps on while you read this...know everything you know and accept it. Now know that you know nothing. 

If you read my past blogs you know I believe us to be already in WW3 and a multitude of civil breakouts breakthrough cases across the globe quietly (?) rearing their 7 heads. What we have now is the generational warfare that most understand and do not want to think about. Except it's so much more. 

Discernment is going to be key for you to see through all the visual of real things happening in real time and some that are not but all spun like the spiders web. They will throw all at you. People are scared, scared people act irrationally, out of fear. We've already been inundated with who the good guys are and the bad guys, clear as the light of day. Russia attacked Ukraine.

You were lied to by State officials and Media for how many years about how many things, they called you names and stupid because that is what they think you are, stupid. Everything Russia, Hunter Biden, Trump, all of it, China and stacks 0' cash, Obama and the FBI in the wings seriously fucking spying on an incoming President and then also while in office, with Antifa burning down cities and occupying Portland for over 100 days, masks, Afghanistan...have you forgotten? The future of our Children being printed on their backs because of States disgrace. In the infinite there is not enough space for me to list all.  (The corruption by State officials in other countries is just as bad.) Nothing is as it seems but it is real lives being lost.

Reading this you might wonder if I have trust issues. Yes, I do. Why would I trust what any of the State officials and Media say after these last few years? What they want to allow you to see and what they don't as Alphabet, Media types and State officials ban or demonetize Russian news stations (totally propaganda...I like to read propaganda), it's very telling. Have you noticed you are on the wrong side of history if you point any of the all of what is really going on and don't demonize their said villain at the time. I'm not taking sides, I'm saying what is happening. We literally just saw it happen over the last couple of years in an exact manner, lives lost there too. 

I'm not a gamer. I like to game. There is a game called DEFCON, it's a mind fuck game. You get to the point in the game where you realize the ramifications of Napoleon, Alexander or worse a Xerxes if they had more might, there are actual people playing this game but with real people dying, nukes and all. 

You can see right through into their evil souls, it was the mask that showed us everything. I'm serious and joking at the same time, some of these mother fuckers are evil to their core, "Bet"-as the kids say these days. 

Wanna know what Ukraine is a hub for? Money laundering, it's not a secret. They are also, like Russia, I'm not talking about the voting system, I'm saying operated much like...the Mob, they pissed the other Mob boss off...(ex communists in Eastern bloc countries just naturally had their instinct to survive turned on after being handed everything in '91 or just taking it when they wanted, the CCP is the same half Commy, half Han Nazi, half Fascist, half "silly math, Tricks are for kids"-said the Trixs rabbit...) One thing not to be discussed is the American backed Coup in 2014 which is also not a secret. 

What is the ultimate goal that you have understood up until this point? A one world order, a Plutocracy (someone please find the absurd preternatural humor in this); where the outcome justifies the means. A digital Pass to do any business to include currency, the implementation of a universal ID, your vaccine passport, ESG, and more...but they have a problem...that was starting to not work anymore...or/and...

Russia is not the USSR (this is not about Russian motives but a piggy back on a situation that was created by our and Europes governing agencies). China is not our friend. China wants to rule you like your own State officials, any way they can. How many of our own State elected officials are known to have accepted dollabillsyo from the CCP, or got Honey all over their stick fuckyouswalwell. 

We all have just been mass psyoped...by the CCP...in tandem with our own State agencies and those that work for the State or your personally elected officials with the lock down and all mandates issued. 

Enter Russia/Ukraine... 

Worst Case Scenario

The US takes hold of Russian nuclear cyber systems, or...Russia just says fuck all you bitchs...propels something our way or way and then we do the better thing and not retaliate. Which city would you root for being taken out? That's a joke. Don't get your panties in a wad, you know you have one in mind. Why? The US is a crazy ass place full of cowboys with guns where the unvaccinated roam free with out a pass, not like all the other countries that had their business of the Pass handled. This is not a conspiracy theory this is a worst case scenario.(We do not have to involve our selves kinetically for them* to achieve their end out come, I just can't see how they will do it yet, I put nothing past them as you can rightly see.) We get hit. All hell breaks loose. Martial Law...Again, worst case scenario...but you wouldn't have guessed 3 years ago what has happened in that time would have happened. Enter your free zone pass, or whatever they call it, you will also call for it, with no understanding of what just happened. You can not have a true communist revolution with out violence. Just an FYI, Russia has a satellite killer in space, we are 98% sure.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's clear now who and what the voting majority in Canada and  what their government is willing to do, as it crushes its own citizens for ...why is it? It's not the 'Honk', it's the Honk that brought their motives, and means and ways to light. Want double worst? Canada and the CCP military have trained together in Canada, I think it was cold weather training.

Think the worst in some peoples, they think they are smarter and have an ultimate outcome and they don't care how they get it, people are a pariah on the planet to them. The planet is full of ferrel humans that need to be spayed and neutered, reorganized into...? Have you noticed how they spayed and neutered our young yet?

A bit of history-The Great World Entertainment Center in Shanghai was the scene of a horrific event in 1938. The Chinese military bombed their own people (it happens more often than you want to believe). This was the CCP then. This is the CCP now. 

...not just death count is studied, from a psychological stand point the civilians and those involved with the operation and the after affects. How to control a population through fear. 

Triple Dog Dare Scenario, 

"not the triple dog dare?!"

The WEF is the Sino ease in and if it's not then there is gonna be a bigger incident in time then I really care to think about but have in detail...it's worse then cataclysmic. They have started something much like the virus and can't control it (but always think they can-hubris and pride bitches) and now we all pay the price again. 

This is not a one track mind thinking, this is multi track mining of the mind and everything around it. Start thinking. How do they stop something they intentionally started. They had a one track story line, Russia was behind everything*, as they* manipulated coups and elections while they stuffed their pockets with cash. (You should back ground check the people that write our foreign policy memos, see what you find.) They won't even let you say China* is responsible in regards to anything, freepass for the boss.

Do you wonder now what the vaccine did in your body the first 24 hours? Aren't you curious what it really did to your immune system?

Be still and listen 

Have you heard this story before?

Do you really know what's going on? 

Are you seeing what some one else wants you to see? 

Are you a tiny bit nervous? 

Do you sort of feel like this is a nightmare scenario come true? 

Those are real people dying. 

Hold on

Enter the Khan. 

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