Looking good and Fashion have always been part of my life…It needs to be part of yours as well.
They both make you look like a
If you think you look good…you are in complete denial, and not all wet in Egypt with Crocodiles nipping at your toes.
First I’ll cover Pajama Jeans…

<————Is this YOU?
Do you look like this?
Is this YOU?———————>
Does your ass look like this?
The whole point is to wear something comfortable that looks like jeans but are really leggings.
Note...I have and will in the future most likely wear leggings with my shirt tucked in…I CAN get away with it because I AM The Un-Holy Trinity that makes up Me, Myself and I, Kristin.
<——Me…with my shirt tucked into my leggings.
I will not wear Pajama jeans though. I wouldn’t even wear them in my home with my blinds drawn and doors locked!
…and you shouldn’t either.
Wanna be comfortable and look good? Wear a dress.
I put people that wear Pajama jean in the same category as the people that go shopping with their slippers on.
Note…Some of us Mothers in a rush to get our Children to school will wear our Pajamas and slippers as we race to the school…I have been known to do this myself…This is NOT the same as shopping at WalMart in your slippers.
Now...throw those bitches away before it’s to late.
If you chose to keep them though I will no holds bar talk smack about them…Not to hurt your feeling because I am not only doing this for my own eyes but for you as well.
I’m trying to help YOU!
Now on to those shape up shoes…

Please take note of the base of the shoe. It’s thick and curved…not to mention HIDEOUS!
They are meant to get you in shape quickly and easily as you walk around in them.
You look like a
The only way to get in shape is to move more, lift weights and eat a healthy diet!
There is no secret, fast way to get in shape.
I own a lot of shoes and boots. In my collection I have 7 pairs of ‘workout' shoes.
Lets say I’m in the loo (that’s a prettier word for toilet) at the gym. NO ONE will mistake me for an old lady with orthopedic looking shoes as they bend over to see if the stall is occupied or not.
These shoes have been know to cause injury to the people that wear them…because they fall over.
I’ll give you a tip on how to work on your ‘core’ that you can do in the comfort of your home...
...Instead of sitting on your ass while you watch T.V. Stand up but only on one leg and do leg lifts while alternating legs. Start with 3 reps of 15.
If you think you might fall...do it while standing next to a chair so if you think you are going to fall over you can grab on.
…Yes you may feel stupid at first but it will work and no one has to see you in your…
…”I’m cool ‘cause I think I’m gonna get in shape faster than you” …
…’cause you are NOT…you just look like a
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