Thursday, June 30, 2011

Filing A Grievance with CSRM’s

 Filing a grievance with a company or the government is one thing…
…but have you ever heard of your friends filing grievances against you or your mutual friends?…
...on FaceBook?

It’s become an on going joke with my girl-friends here in Colorado Springs.
If I told you how tight we are, you still wouldn’t get how close we all REALLY are.
We see each other several times a week…for hours at a time we hang out in various places, from seedy bars to T.J.Maxx to the comfort of our homes as we drink the day away.

As my Brother from another mother…SF15…says…
…”We moved here to meet you.”

I really do believe that we all moved here to meet one another…all different walks of life’s and past’s so different…
Yet here we are having conversations that would make some people cringe and others pee their pants they would be laughing so hard.

A couple Sundays ago F15 and I went out to lunch…just by our little selves…
…No grievance was filled because nobody knew.

Wednesday we went to the Neighborhood bar…To sing some Karaoke and give the locals something awesome to look at and hear…F1, F2, F11, F15, F18, F69, SF, Kat, Tee and The Un-Holy Trinity, Me, Myself and I...

Friday afternoon F15 and I had lunch then went shopping.
…Several grievances were filed against the 2 of us...

Friday evening F69 post’s on my Wall…
…”Not Amy, (FWNNA) wants you to come meet us at RMB”…
F1 sees it and files a grievance…she wanted to go but wasn’t invited...

Saturday night F69 was home alone and invited me over for an adult beverage. F69 has an open door policy…always…but even still...
...A grievance was filed by F1 against us...

Sunday morning F69 decided we all needed to go to Costco and put a blanket invitation out on FB….that way no grievances could be filed.
Only F69, F15, F2 and myself attended this obnoxious event of free snacking, traffic cart jaming and smack talking about those that didn’t go…

That same morning F15 put out ANOTHER blanket invite out…
…”Her house for a BBQ…”
While we were at Costco we ‘organized’ everything…
So, F1, F2, SF2, F18, F69, SF69, Myself and of course the F15’s…and 16 Children...
…Hey, F11 and F4…We talked Smack about you!!!!...

Note…We have a deal…unwritten but said often…
…”If you are not there, arrive late or leave early...we WILL talk SMACK about you.”
We really don’t…often…;)

Poor F18 lives next-door to F1…she said the other night…as we, F1, F2, F4, F11, F69, F18, and Kat (who could careless if I use her name…) were all over at F1’s house for an evening of beverages and feet soaking…
F18…”Sometimes I see cars out front and know I wasn’t invited…:(“

It’s not that one person is liked more than another…but there are complications sometimes and we have groups within our group…

Note…our groups name is the ‘Cool Springs Ranch Moms’…for short…CSRM…
…it was something I created because I no longer had a Squadron of Women to hang out with…and everyone wants to belong to something…including me.  We have 51 members…you don’t have to live in Springs Ranch...or Colorado…it’s a private group but open to all of our friends…if you want to be a member let me know;). Almost everyone has a nickname that I have given them or that they came with...

As I was saying poor F18…has a little one at home. Sometimes, like during school, the last thing we want is to be around Children…
…Sadly, as a joke I once said in front of SF (Super Friend…her choice name)…
Me…”Who brought their fucking Kid?!”
I really was joking. I love her daughter.
…eventually she realized I really DID love her daughter…and really didn’t care if she was around…and awesomely her daughter loves me too.

...We do have groups inside of groups…I’m not invited to every event…It’s cool…I don’t wear panties so I can’t get them in a wad!

I understand that my friends need a break from my obnoxious ways.

...but that does not mean I will not file a grievance against you…jokin'….not kiddin’ (there IS a difference)...


  1. Ha ha ha those that read this may still not get it but those of who are part of the daily fb checking in on our CSRM friends, know how grateful we all are to have ea other & joke with ea other .. Especially pertaining to the smack talking & grievance filing

  2. I totally almost filed a grievance over the trampoline picture, but John said we were invited and I just missed it oops.
