Friday, March 7, 2025

Rockets Red Glare


The birds flew at the window, 

"Attack!", "Attack!", 'Attack!" 

A stranger in their midst a warning to all, 

until she could show them 

she could sing their whistle song.

The opulence of free, pie is so much more; the Pixie bounced and spun about her box till the afternoon when she was allowed to prance out and about, but tethered was she away from the world of Others and warning sounds that should not belong. When released in the world of Others, her fangs came out, the sound from deep in her gut as the Others backed from her sight afraid to make contact for the truth of her might. 

The hand of Fatima whirled in mid air the time had long begun

Death looked out the windows of time and saw a collision when the dinosaurs would come alive.

Be still and listen

There are more to wake

I can do simple math and I like using my fingers for it and there is nothing wrong with that.

Complicated systems are stupid.

Complex systems are beautiful.


The dead walk with me, soldiers all around. 

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