Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Mater Lecticonis


Tuesday update 

nothing concerning Smith Mundt yet. This is disturbing.

I was so anticipating the Starship launch last night, patience is a virtue when you are doing something difficult. 

The man they introduced as, "the first gay man' to hold what ever position..."word choice hilarity having I am"...may I ask when that would be pertinent information as part of an introduction to the world...it's like getting health advise from an obese human. 

I love a good tangent. (I hope someone laughs here one day as the tangent embraces the sphere and then bounces back like a hug and then you are free to go knowing you are safe and thought of with love.) 

I read words like my son reads music and when you can understand the complexity of how words are put together (to gather for meaning) you have the ability to make new ones, or turn old ones back to new again. I always know there was someone smarter than me that already thought this out, all I need to do is grab it from the past and dust it off....I love fixing and making something out of what's on hand, always to perfection, then we go from there, object origin, object destination. 

Every line III means something when placed in proper and direction, unless an ana | gram 

In my spare time I'm learn (some)Hangul, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and Aramaic, not to speak but to read, by acci (be done) dent<- self explanatory (ex (apart but was once together, see above) plain (easy to see) a story (ory/ orator/ something with vowels and not a unicase language). I'd like to be able to read Sumerian/Akkadian one day, so I can see for my self what it says as I work back ward to first principles of the mind and how humans work and communicate and why. Object origin, object destination, and yes, I believe God gave me a gift and I will not squander it. 

Side note, gifts are just that, you don't 'pick' a gift, unless you know how things work and it's there already. 


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