Monday, March 3, 2025



Hello Monday, I See you looking at your screen searching for something real, away from the fake world. A panda rolling around and you wonder why, because it's fun. Why do Birds flock in the sky, because it's beautiful and they can and they are thanking God for the ability to fly above it all. Why do I think, because it's beautiful and I can. Why does NightHawk bring me gifts in the night of time, little mice perfectly killed with not a mar as a gift and a thanks for nourishing its life. We are human we don't sacrifice humans (Jesus was not sacrificed, they killed him so he would be quiet and was made an example and he would be ashamed of those that call them selves by my name, and that is the truth and I hope you see it one day). We respect life as a gift from God for our mind, that controls our body. Why do I make my legs take turns carrying the weight of my body as I stretch my arms out in a beautiful pose, because I can and I thank God I can, because I have limited time and I know it, my goal is perfection with an imperfect body but a perfect mind, honed and practiced like my song whistle or my singing voice out side where I am no ashamed of the gifts I was given and I won't hide them away. Why do you have short hair Kristin? because it's stupid and dead and I don't need to hide behind anything, or cover my face with chemicals that signal your brain you think you are ugly and have to hide your self because you are probably diseased, because you are beautiful and some one lied to you.  

She floated upon the smoky mountain top and no one could see her as she sent out her rays.

There I was learning something new that was old but not the oldest although I believe I will get there, and I saw the story of the beginning and some more of what we would see

1, Shhhhhhhhhhh

2, B someplace safe ( you See 1 becomes 2)

3, G (C) it means the camel (gimal) we bring life and spit you out

4, D, you exist

5, H hello there is another, a vessel to make more 

6, sIx how shall we spell it

7, I’m just Zayin he stated her with his sword or maybe you beed to arm your self

8, and for eternity it would continue until decided Chit, it what we use, to make more, horse apples fuel the ship.

9, can you see the new life slip out of the 0 of the 9  tet (that’s the hook)

10, and now we start some more

I have to teach my self because there are so many frauds, and repeaters and also some liars.

I once sat a through a whole day of Command school and cried at the magnitude of the responsibility that was upon our shoulders in times of war and peace.

I had a front row seat at the Munich security conference and listened to every thing that was said out loud, to include Rawanda and the DRC issues.

How many Christian’s were beheaded the other day?

I know.

Stop it. 

I can hear you and I won’t stop. I don’t stop except by command of that which is above and below me. X do you understand?

Jesus rolled over in his grave and is a wake. It’s not the man but the consciousness which you wake inside your mind. When you treat your body as a temple in truth and have only Truth around you, but you have to See it to (get) it. It’s a gift of understanding and belief that you are but a formic worker bee and you know your place in the system. Same with the earth same with the body. The golden rule to treat others with respect (as they treat others) doesn’t work {in kind} after a stranger (a human that is not sovereign over an other and has no idea what they are talking about <lying by omission or repeating an others said lies> and causes harm. We remove that which harms, not that which heals. You do not paralyze any part of the brain or lie to it. Disease comes from the mind, as does the healing; it only works when you let you mind BE and you conduct you self appropriately…under the rules set forth because you actually understand how it all works and you are only here by the grace of God and that your mother didn’t kill you. To be able to do this you need agency (honest (honed) love). A woman that convinces another that killing her child or an others because she doesn’t like (her) life is an evil being that whispers with her forked tongue as her flesh falls off and she’s reminded daily she’s just an animal. Why do women remove the fur from our bodies? To remind our selves we are more than animals and have agency (ts) all around us if we have the free will of our self to conduct our self perfectly. 

It begins with you.

It doesn't have to end with you

This is the 3rd day of Ramazan when you symbolically eat under the cover of darkness celebrating the being of new life about to be as we watch the new moon grow.  

This is a war between Good and evil, and I'm not joking around any more. 

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