Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Mars Lion Roars


5:08 5 March 

When you hear, "Tax cuts for the rich are bad for the poor"...they are saying anyone that pays 'income taxes' are the rich, the poor are those that are eat off the rich, those that pay, 'income taxes' is considered 'rich' by someone that gets their thirsty coin from the state to do their lazy bidding; it's not a number it's the numbers they want because they have been sold that what you have is there's.

Charity can not be a paid position or it becomes a business, said the Volunteer.  

"let us round up this plot of homeless and all their tents and move the draggers on."-said sternly the city council member that has a sister that is kind and helpful and has a tent business or bussing one too, her coffers full ever week or two like a timely pay check but it's your income tax dollars that paid her salary through the non government organization. (Everybody knows this, it's unseemly though to see your neighbor reach into your pocket and take something of yours, because they want it (via the welfare state). 

An endless loop of mob tactics to keep you, in place.

Charity is out of the goodness of your heart not at the end of a weapon pointed at your head as they take something you earned from hard work to someone else that didn't. Charity is out of the goodness of one's heart not at the end of another yelling at you that you are mean because you don't 'give' they way they think you should (as they sacrifice their babies-said in point). You don't have to agree with another or like people. 

6:08 6 March

I love the time and date

9:25   7 March

How do you explain to a young 'sk(i)(y)' child the difference of the spelling? The I is for Me, the whY is for you.

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