Friday, March 7, 2025

Rockets Red Glare


The birds flew at the window, 

"Attack!", "Attack!", 'Attack!" 

A stranger in their midst a warning to all, 

until she could show them 

she could sing their whistle song.

The opulence of free, pie is so much more; the Pixie bounced and spun about her box till the afternoon when she was allowed to prance out and about, but tethered was she away from the world of Others and warning sounds that should not belong. When released in the world of Others, her fangs came out, the sound from deep in her gut as the Others backed from her sight afraid to make contact for the truth of her might. 

The hand of Fatima whirled in mid air the time had long begun

Death looked out the windows of time and saw a collision when the dinosaurs would come alive.

Be still and listen

There are more to wake

I can do simple math and I like using my fingers for it and there is nothing wrong with that.

Complicated systems are stupid.

Complex systems are beautiful.


The dead walk with me, soldiers all around. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Project BlueBird


Death walked through the doors, a wisp of fresh air for some and the stench of Truth to others, no matter did she touch but the fleshy hand of the Other. Death watched the Other from behind, the Other wasn't wearing her special white coat that set her self a part from the most. She wore a simulacrum fabric the colour of soft lilac over her meaty back, shoulders, and arms, the fabric worn and pulled. The Other might have imagined the shiny simulacrum of a fabric would disguise her misuse of herself and her things, a medicine woman should know some things. Her legs spindly covered in stretchy black tights, her whole body covered and her whole body showing, at the same time. Her shoes were plastic, a dangerous idiocracy, a pyramid money game the Other was playing.

The nothingness life which Death felt when she gently breezed her hand onto the Other's hand was a model of disrepair, a life never really lived, a hollow shell where a meaningful soul should have been. The touch of Death released the stench of Truth wave after wave before all the eyes, snapping bits of bright light here and there, while the Other swallowed lies then spit them back out.

In the darkness of night when things just aren't right

We peer with our sight 

from within the smoke on the mountain top

Into the mind of the white coat find

a lie draped in a truth

the flat line of life 

is rife with strife

to ease the stress

We make beautiful sounds

to welcome Some home

green spring grasses all year round

through the foggy window till the time

the Others go


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Mars Lion Roars


5:08 5 March 

When you hear, "Tax cuts for the rich are bad for the poor"...they are saying anyone that pays 'income taxes' are the rich, the poor are those that are eat off the rich, those that pay, 'income taxes' is considered 'rich' by someone that gets their thirsty coin from the state to do their lazy bidding; it's not a number it's the numbers they want because they have been sold that what you have is there's.

Charity can not be a paid position or it becomes a business, said the Volunteer.  

"let us round up this plot of homeless and all their tents and move the draggers on."-said sternly the city council member that has a sister that is kind and helpful and has a tent business or bussing one too, her coffers full ever week or two like a timely pay check but it's your income tax dollars that paid her salary through the non government organization. (Everybody knows this, it's unseemly though to see your neighbor reach into your pocket and take something of yours, because they want it (via the welfare state). 

An endless loop of mob tactics to keep you, in place.

Charity is out of the goodness of your heart not at the end of a weapon pointed at your head as they take something you earned from hard work to someone else that didn't. Charity is out of the goodness of one's heart not at the end of another yelling at you that you are mean because you don't 'give' they way they think you should (as they sacrifice their babies-said in point). You don't have to agree with another or like people. 

6:08 6 March

I love the time and date

9:25   7 March

How do you explain to a young 'sk(i)(y)' child the difference of the spelling? The I is for Me, the whY is for you.

X shhhhhhh Ravenous Vortex


The gift of forgiveness is not for those which attack you; in a state of war the true reality is absolute.

When you don't know you are in a state of war the enemy has every advantage.

"Where did you 'grow up' Kristin?" During the Dhofar Revolution (an inside job spun by the winds of the outside to breed an inside contempt) in a small armed compound of freedom fighters next to the Sultans Palace; building 1, apartment 1 (under the eyes of God-our Church, the Universal Way), as my father mapped the skies above us, pathways we would fly, pathways many of my readers fly today. He was the presenter in front of the United Nations for approval of 'his' plan; "Thanks dad, you are the best." The back of my heels shredded from dragging myself around when I needed to figure out how to walk again. Where a pool or an ocean I could swim with ease. This was where I learned to walk and run after I had been constrained and contained to fix a broken part of me, where I became a free agent. 

"I love maps, they are exquisite", the pirate woman wearing pants the colour of the sea right before a ravaging storm, three inches from her ankles for all to see, said out loud, with wealth and blessings beyond measure, finding gem after gem and none to keep for herself but to give (un)to others as she hid them like a game for children to find on their way{Easter Eggs}, because she knew when she had all she needed and had plenty to leave behind. 


Airport=the body

Air traffic control=the brain\signals motion

Ground control=pathways through the body/signals vectors and motions

Gates/Ports=organs pulsing with life

Stowage=goods and services/people/blood cells sent to fight the Good fight.

The air traffic control system that I hear those that don't understand how 'systems work' say, 'let an Ai (a programed message machine/chemical messenger {milk is a messenger, it only takes a drop; the mothers milk is the Good milk for the Childs brain (system controller)} take air traffic control over (a formula/model/program)...there are these things called ''slips'(messages) that move from air controller to air controller, to ground controller, to air controller, to air controller with one eye {Odin's Eye for fun and Truth}over all (a [form]ula[little]-latin-[uni-fied]form), messages of coordinates and directions to stay, go, and where to move, when on the ground and in the air(through the path ways in the human body to signal what needs to be corrected or not corrected because everything is running uni-fine-d-or there will be big problems and this is life and death when landing planes in proper order while others are flying over head and taking off as well). These paper slips(direct signals) that track the aircraft (organs) are the brain of the opera[work]tion[to be done], the human brain (babies and mammas), working in tandem with other human brains; electricity (signals) is an easy switch (chemical to turn off and you can not rely on a computer system/chemical programing to the brain/system manager/air traffic controller and you can't hide information or give them incorrect information or the system crashes, that is run(energy, where is it coming from) on something (electrical or chemical signals) you can turn off with a switch.   

Inside the mind the signals (chemical[activator\signal]/stress[tension] RE[over and over again]actors{there are Good actors and bad actors there are no in-between) had been absorbed and sent, into the animal, a protein folded, it collided with another and like dominoes another and it folded and then another, it exponentiated and soon the folds were like fentanyl users, dead wasted space, eating it's self to death being brought back to life with an override of narcan when all the mind wanted was {the desire of wanting a now unwilling to reach for it} to be gone from the now and pretend in another space out in open place.   

They saw the pine tree in the forest that looked like all the others and thought, 'we will cut that one down', not knowing it was the root they severed that shared a certain nutrient to the others as it was the only one of it's kind deep within the dark forest of teaming life the Vulcan could see from outer space but the human on terra could not, the vagus nerve could not be re done.   

Some needles you have to thread by your own self, it befuddles me that many don't grasp, "you are in charge of you and you need to take charge before it's too late." It's easiest when you have Good people that love you and want you to be the best you could ever be and they know they can push and prod but only you are in charge of you.

The man that the doctors found the cancer in had been told by his son that he was now going to be a girl and the father knew this signal was incorrect in his mind and his mind tried to wake him. I pray he doesn't go into RE[over and over again because something is growing wrong and a dead wake up call from some one that loves you is on a{mission} until the disease is surgically sliced out{perfection is command}, chemically erased, or bombarded with rays (signals-some you can see some you can not)) of which there are all sorts. 

Sometimes the mind signals to consume where it should not, sometimes the mind signals to grow where it should not, know the difference and what is controlling what. When the say,' hormones' they mean signalers, it's just a different name, same, same don't let them confuse you. 

When additions of chemical compounds 6man made ones9 that signal to the brain it can go on vacation and that the chemical signal is not programed to work well with others and is the one the part/organs|body\whole should follow and not the system manager (brain of the operation) who seems to have gone on vacation but is in Truth trapped and constrained and can't signal out{yell}, if something is out of whack you don't hack, you retrain[back into smooth running lines]. 

Sometimes I have to show people what they want to see because they don't want to hear the truth.

There is no hack to life, you have to live it the correct way. 

The brain eats its self because it was commanded. Why? From the inside or the outside? Alzhimers is a stress (tension) in[from within]duc{duke/to lead}ed reaction (signal messenger) because you can't believe you were betrayed by someone that you thought loved you as they stole your hard work and called it theirs, from you and you found out but you loved him and forgave him because he was your brother and you wanted no harm to your family so your mind did the next thing it could think of, it started the shut down process of the now, to live somewhere else. Please forgive me for knowing and understanding. everyone is looking at all the pieces, I see at the whole and the part and every signal in-between and the with-out. 

My Finnish Grandfather would pick up my beautiful sister with her golden curly locks upon her crown, deep sky blue eyes, skin clear and healthy, a perfect being and gift from God, like his own daughter, but different, and hold her every chance he was given. His own daughter had spent her precious early years in and out of hospitals having surgeries to 'fix' her hand which was webbed and had to be 'corrected'. 

My Finnish Grandfather would pick me up every chance he got, my mousy always tangled hair, a loud pigpen most could hardly bare, that had been stuck in a bind, her legs had been bound together. He told that little pigpen girl that she would move mountains with her strong viking marmaid legs because he had seen it before. It would take practice and hard work and as often as he could he would whisper how perfect and beautiful she was, just the way she was and she could always be more. 


I'm watching in real time from every angleel I can gather and signal in as many languages as I can that We need help. It's really, really bad and only God can save us.  


The woman in the golden overalls, uniform of the day, outside work was to be done and a little song she sung to be heard above the winds was called. She sat in front of the ash long forgotten and cried tears that could be seen by only Gods Good nature. 

Complex systems require complex surgically controlled solutions to problems with muster if it desires to continue to...stay...on. 

Be still and Listen

One day I will tell you a story  

I earned my sea legs during war, my legs work together in tandem now and but by the grace of God I go. 

Have you ever seen me run on a machine as fast as a cheetah, like the bio[life]nic[does not exist] woman that knew what she was able to do, or outside around the tarmac distances and battles faught and won over and over-or watched me stand on a ball as I practiced my ju jitsu moves. 

I told my Nazarite mother that warlords were in the midst, taxes and wrong ways forced upon us, with battles of Good against evil all round and around, a real wizard with a name I could see in so many wLorlds, their words all fal{fall}se[add another E so you can see] and the thread(lines told) un[do I have to explain un done]rav[Hebrew word for Rabbi]els{this is tricky because you have to know the secret, you are not God and will never be one.} 

I am Life

 I am Death

I am Truth

I am Death

I am Life 


I am showing you the way.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Mater Lecticonis


Tuesday update 

nothing concerning Smith Mundt yet. This is disturbing.

I was so anticipating the Starship launch last night, patience is a virtue when you are doing something difficult. 

The man they introduced as, "the first gay man' to hold what ever position..."word choice hilarity having I am"...may I ask when that would be pertinent information as part of an introduction to the's like getting health advise from an obese human. 

I love a good tangent. (I hope someone laughs here one day as the tangent embraces the sphere and then bounces back like a hug and then you are free to go knowing you are safe and thought of with love.) 

I read words like my son reads music and when you can understand the complexity of how words are put together (to gather for meaning) you have the ability to make new ones, or turn old ones back to new again. I always know there was someone smarter than me that already thought this out, all I need to do is grab it from the past and dust it off....I love fixing and making something out of what's on hand, always to perfection, then we go from there, object origin, object destination. 

Every line III means something when placed in proper and direction, unless an ana | gram 

In my spare time I'm learn (some)Hangul, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and Aramaic, not to speak but to read, by acci (be done) dent<- self explanatory (ex (apart but was once together, see above) plain (easy to see) a story (ory/ orator/ something with vowels and not a unicase language). I'd like to be able to read Sumerian/Akkadian one day, so I can see for my self what it says as I work back ward to first principles of the mind and how humans work and communicate and why. Object origin, object destination, and yes, I believe God gave me a gift and I will not squander it. 

Side note, gifts are just that, you don't 'pick' a gift, unless you know how things work and it's there already. 


Monday, March 3, 2025



Hello Monday, I See you looking at your screen searching for something real, away from the fake world. A panda rolling around and you wonder why, because it's fun. Why do Birds flock in the sky, because it's beautiful and they can and they are thanking God for the ability to fly above it all. Why do I think, because it's beautiful and I can. Why does NightHawk bring me gifts in the night of time, little mice perfectly killed with not a mar as a gift and a thanks for nourishing its life. We are human we don't sacrifice humans (Jesus was not sacrificed, they killed him so he would be quiet and was made an example and he would be ashamed of those that call them selves by my name, and that is the truth and I hope you see it one day). We respect life as a gift from God for our mind, that controls our body. Why do I make my legs take turns carrying the weight of my body as I stretch my arms out in a beautiful pose, because I can and I thank God I can, because I have limited time and I know it, my goal is perfection with an imperfect body but a perfect mind, honed and practiced like my song whistle or my singing voice out side where I am no ashamed of the gifts I was given and I won't hide them away. Why do you have short hair Kristin? because it's stupid and dead and I don't need to hide behind anything, or cover my face with chemicals that signal your brain you think you are ugly and have to hide your self because you are probably diseased, because you are beautiful and some one lied to you.  

She floated upon the smoky mountain top and no one could see her as she sent out her rays.

There I was learning something new that was old but not the oldest although I believe I will get there, and I saw the story of the beginning and some more of what we would see

1, Shhhhhhhhhhh

2, B someplace safe ( you See 1 becomes 2)

3, G (C) it means the camel (gimal) we bring life and spit you out

4, D, you exist

5, H hello there is another, a vessel to make more 

6, sIx how shall we spell it

7, I’m just Zayin he stated her with his sword or maybe you beed to arm your self

8, and for eternity it would continue until decided Chit, it what we use, to make more, horse apples fuel the ship.

9, can you see the new life slip out of the 0 of the 9  tet (that’s the hook)

10, and now we start some more

I have to teach my self because there are so many frauds, and repeaters and also some liars.

I once sat a through a whole day of Command school and cried at the magnitude of the responsibility that was upon our shoulders in times of war and peace.

I had a front row seat at the Munich security conference and listened to every thing that was said out loud, to include Rawanda and the DRC issues.

How many Christian’s were beheaded the other day?

I know.

Stop it. 

I can hear you and I won’t stop. I don’t stop except by command of that which is above and below me. X do you understand?

Jesus rolled over in his grave and is a wake. It’s not the man but the consciousness which you wake inside your mind. When you treat your body as a temple in truth and have only Truth around you, but you have to See it to (get) it. It’s a gift of understanding and belief that you are but a formic worker bee and you know your place in the system. Same with the earth same with the body. The golden rule to treat others with respect (as they treat others) doesn’t work {in kind} after a stranger (a human that is not sovereign over an other and has no idea what they are talking about <lying by omission or repeating an others said lies> and causes harm. We remove that which harms, not that which heals. You do not paralyze any part of the brain or lie to it. Disease comes from the mind, as does the healing; it only works when you let you mind BE and you conduct you self appropriately…under the rules set forth because you actually understand how it all works and you are only here by the grace of God and that your mother didn’t kill you. To be able to do this you need agency (honest (honed) love). A woman that convinces another that killing her child or an others because she doesn’t like (her) life is an evil being that whispers with her forked tongue as her flesh falls off and she’s reminded daily she’s just an animal. Why do women remove the fur from our bodies? To remind our selves we are more than animals and have agency (ts) all around us if we have the free will of our self to conduct our self perfectly. 

It begins with you.

It doesn't have to end with you

This is the 3rd day of Ramazan when you symbolically eat under the cover of darkness celebrating the being of new life about to be as we watch the new moon grow.  

This is a war between Good and evil, and I'm not joking around any more.