Sunday, June 30, 2024

Who Controls Whom


'Is dire situation' apropos for 'did you see and hear Joe Biden at the debate'?

Do you want to throw some stuff on the table and see if it lands regarding the situation of now and the big question, "Who is running the United States government?"

"... let me be clear, hope and change does not come easily or quickly." It's even deeper than him, that smooth talker everyone loves. 

"Jill Biden is pulling the strings..." Hahahahahahah, I shouldn't be mean and I imagine a woman with a doctorate in education is at least educated in two things, manipulation and fraud, why should I be nice? or kind? She's a putrid being, rotten from the inside, easy to move, or what ever. It was Massie's wife though you should wonder about, just like that 'car accident' Harrison Deal, Senator Loefflers aide and fiancé to Georgia Governor Kemps daughter, who was on his way to a Pence rally. Anywho...someone was convicted of negligence in his death by a jury of his peers and we all know how that goes in Georgia now, don't we? You know how the legal system in Ga is run now don't you? The shade of a real house wives of Atlanta spin off. 

Assassinations happen all the time, here, there, everywhere...kinetic and systematic. 

"Obama, everyone knows it's Obama and Michelle is going to run as President instead of Biden." 

The whole debate felt like a contrived tv show. You know it. From the, 'they might not let the debate be streamed live' or, they would allow 'no commentary except from CNN approved heads'. Then the, 'it will be recorded, then released.' it all a nice ...buzzzzzzz in the "Oh No! What's going to happen to Alex Jones?!"-ummmm how did he know about 9/11, some nobody from no where...? 

Do you recall the fundraiser for Biden in Los Angeles a few weeks ago with all the 'famous golden statue worshiping' folx? Obama gently caresses ol' Joes elbow and exists the senile old man off stage, in the open they do this because it sends the message, if you can read it. Get on the right page, you will know when to strike. (They don't play the game the same way you do/would or what's about time some thinkers wake to this...)

They hype this 'debate' so at least some will tune in, oh, and they do it live as, they feed Biden (at one point he looked to be reading from a screen on/in his podium, this is a staged event), Trump just plays Trump, it's not like he would have power over anything if he was president again, unless the police force is from the outside, you get me dawg? 

The world now sees that which any intelligent person could see for awhile, it's the admitting it to it's truest complex pin point problem.

Hey guys, they poisoned the world with a government sanctioned virus that attacks man kind

Meanwhile some measly airport manager in Little Rock, Arkansa was shot by the ATF at his home a little after 6 in the morning...why was he shot? seriously and don't be a fool and say because he aimed a weapon at them...use your serious thought not the one where the world you want to exits exits but the one that actually does exist and it's rotten. 

Side note, did you know Tucker Carlson worked for a news rag back in the day, out of Little Rock, it was when Clinton was Governor, but what evs. 

"Give Kamala a chance..." Wouldn't that just be a kick in the pants as they used to say in days...

"Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear Ye good members of our community! Let us all gather round and get to know our brother of choice Mr, Gavin Newsome!" Ahh this I like but in truth why bother...everyone knows its a sham...

"It's the Jews" don't say that one.

"Who killed John F. Kennedy again?" Asking for a friend.

"It's the Banks that control the system." everyone really truly knows this. 

The answer is

who controls the soft power 

who controls the hard power

who controls power over you

who controls whom

That which we believe is what moves us. 

It's not dire, it's just unsettling when you have to pretend; stop pretending. 

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

What colour ink is the white paper print.

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