Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The ZinZin Road

The water streaked across her forehead, smoke engulfed a practiced tumble through time and space.

Whush ooowhhuuussshhhhhh ooooowhhuuuuushhhhhh sand between toes as wings unfold 

Look out baby, here we come

from outer space 

you think that's the one

you think tracks are set

you think that's the one

oh the boulders do come

you think that's the one 

down that mountain side

you think that's the one

there goes that village

you think that's the one

under the setting son

you think that's the one

there one giggles to the left

you think that's the one

bright in red

you think that's the one

that couldn't be the one

you think that's the one

The chess board is set on the ZinZin road. 


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