Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Would you mind dropping everything you know to be true concerning space, time, and all that matters so I may talk at you regarding object origin, object destination and the in-between, a few things concerning your soul, some matters, and why.

Some believe that before you are born you get to choose your path 40 days before conception. Imagine if you will, to have been taught that you chose this, not just the path you walk, you were shown obstacles, perhaps you chose some yourself.

Object origin; God creates you/me and gives you/me free will, how you/I move is your/my choice. Do you move differently when you think no one can See you? 

When you understand free will you understand you do not choose for others I'm going to continue this as a run on sentence because some use this to take parental rights away on the plane of reality, careful where you nuance and dissect for if you chose your parents and your parents chose you, and you chose this world with the knowledge that you picked it, a gift from your Father, you get to choose what you do with it but you do not get to chose how others move so teach them young that they are responsible for their own movements and to teach others, because when you are not taught you are in control you revert to humanistic animal state, envy, blame and hate.

If you are taught this young it can help a bit with the big Why and makes it easier to move. 

God gave you free will to make every decision you make. 

God also gave you the ability to think. 

God also gave you the ability to reason.

Did you learn discernment?

Object destination; would you walk in and upon this world differently if you were taught you chose this? That God gave you free will to exist on this plane and you had to figure out why, while still existing, because the world of matter which you stand is also a point of matter.

Some people get here and they decide they can do what they want because they have free will, so they play games, to <get>
You will only carry burdens that are yours

Your Mother may clean up your mess, your Father will tell you that's your mess now what are you going to do about it.

I conceive free will:

Understand outside influences 

It never feels fair

Justice always comes

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

It didn't have to be this way, it had to be some kind of way though and for that you can not deny. Often, I do this too, we say, "we don't chose the path we are on", in Truth I know you do. It's a saying that should be, "We choose how we move on our path." and "You can not choose a path for other people." Yes, yes, I know, some people do not move forward on their path, for so many reasons as we are all on...different kinds of paths. 

This time I will be clear but I can not tell you your plan

The next 5ome months will not be for the feint of heart

Demons will rise you long thought buried

they will nip at your heels 

yours is yours and yours alone

to blame is to tarry

own your self

when you kneel at her river Styx

mayhaps ask for mercy

doors unlocked

there is nothing out of her sight 

We all chose sides in Heaven long ago, right now and into the future.

You chose to be right here right now at this moment in time.

You may now pick back up your old ways concerning space, time, and all that matters. Thank you for letting me talk at you regarding object origin, object destination and the in-between, a few things concerning your soul, some matters, and why.

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