Sunday, June 9, 2024

Acquisition Acquired


The evergreen behind me did take a fickle of a sheen, dotted here and there as the others let the wind fly by their leaves a distraction to the left or is that to the right which way does one prospect

a horizon there

 a strip of light

the stone of Alexandria I do See

two lions stand beside on the right side hand of thee

the lone wolf to left

I'm in the midst of putting colour to paper via water. It's helpful in the practice of site. When in painting, layering is key, when painting with waters the first thought is where to omit, it's a peaceful process, exclusionary you could say.

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you story 

The other day I was watching Elon Musks Starship rocket off, and it was amazing yet again...may I ask why por que they turned the camera off, again, yes, yes, yes, heat tile testing and such. Why did they turn the camera off? Please, darlings, I beg you, see that which you don't see.

Acquisition acquired

the serpent flew through the air with out a care 

the suns view blocked from site


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