Thursday, June 13, 2024

Leading Ground


Errors are very difficult to see when one is in the midst of one, been there, will be there again, that doesn't mean we should hold our tongue when someones soul is set a flame 

The First United Methodist Church Conference

 and/or such what

 is not 


The President of El Salvador on Tucker Carlson...

Nayib Bukele, business man, advertiser that worked along side his father (always know where someone's from, I put that in bold, did you look him up yet? No? then you won't get the joke. You did? Hahahahahaha...jokes on the world am I right?), and his team put a plan together, the Territorial Control Plan, pretty simple, they doubled their army, got them equipment and off they went...and imprisoned 70,000+ people. Crime and drugs had gone amok, and now no more.

and they prayed

He fixed El Salvadors big problem. 

I'm in the Book of Maccabees this week.

The year, was it 197?, BC? 

They were home. 

I watched this man smooth as silk, his shoes made of leather so soft you can feel it melt as you stare at it. The perfect white linen shirt, not a winkle out of place. His skin smooth and unblemished, his beard in perfect form. 

He's Latin American

Latin is actually something. 

Have you noticed they are scared of it

they outlaw it someplaces

have you asked why





If you look deep, you see it's inherited.

 What people believe moves them.  

You should read more books.  

the future is ripe for change

 this is a pendulum...

being kind does not work 

not only does it get innocent people killed, 

it's terrifying living afraid of actual real harm

those that make excuses for violent behavior 

those that fund bio labs

 those that suckle off the most depraved and the most gullible, vials and tubes, specimens and...

what's a specimen in a human bio lab? 

I want you to know why people

are setting themselves 

on fire

Why did El Salvador have a problem?

Anyway...don't look into's very, how do you say? people are enterprising? When you live in a community that doesn't have murders on random street corn..e....r.....s.......oh wait...

Easy peasy lesson is, you can not have violent criminals on the street or those that order them/allow it. 

He also made bitcoin their currency...I don't want to have to give a talk on how our $works...goodness, please know. 

His voice calm, matter of fact, in control. A man who knows how to get things done and won't mince words about it.; refrescante. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

You get the connected prey tel? 

I'm still laughing...the new President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum. 

The First United Methodist Church is discussing making affirmation mandatory, affirmation of someones made up gender, nothing about God and 10 commandments, except to go against one, or, well, anything biblical or historically not related to the religion of Sin, the Canaanites, the Philistines, baby know the thing...When you let Sin run amok, who pays the price? Did you hear what Nayib Bukele, business man, advertiser that worked along side his father, said? He said satanic. 

You see dear friends we don't have just Sin on display on the pedestal, it preaches to thee...they have released them selves free of the word of God and are now preaching forgiveness in the belief...of the Son. Anywho...I'll drop and leave, but if you can think anywhere in stories of old how evil does take hold; it looks nice and kind, furry and such...there is always a price. How about if I say it like this...nothing is free, not even freedom.  

I met someone 

in the middle of no where 

that knew my brother 

my brother that hais fallen form the Good Grace of our Father 

Super important reminder because some will say, "someone's religion shouldn't matter." What someone believes moves them. Never ever trust anyone that says, "someone's religion shouldn't matter."

Open it, and see the connection. You can not have a Seminary the same place you execute a Childs future, in the name of God.

Don't call your self, Christ anything, and may God have mercy on your soul, because on earth there will be mans justice. 

I wish more people understood the history of the escape 


Aren't you tired of the faces and heads on the screen lying to you?

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