Thursday, June 23, 2022

Level the Field


I have a few blogs regarding models and the mistakes humans make when building them...out of malice, ignorance, maybe they think they've done it correctly...when something is being built as important as our future we may want to put intelligent people in charge instead of the experts* because they have proven to be poor managers, with a naught of philosophical thought.

Also as much as you might not like it, rounded dome homes would be safer if you lived in Kansas, but no one likes my ideas...because they like the norm of what is...not the possibility of what can be. I'm just looking to see who reads this and I think I'm funny 'cause someone has too.

A model is the building blocks with an outcome of something, weather models, architecture models...pandemic models. The model is only as good as the architect. Have you met a government employee that was good at managing and building something that didn't fall apart if not before the implementation or rightly our roads crumble and economy collapses. We must correct the problem now and nip it in the bud.

The barbarians; the Vandals and the Visagoths are the gate. 


I wish I get you all to expertly grasp what has happened and what will happen. ...and the truth of what the future will look like with the people in charge and their plan. You actually have to be honest with your self about the truth of how things really are not ok now and we just spent 2 years locked up and you are finding out more and more as the light shines down and you can see it all. 

The Communists have a mission, please let go of any new notion or word...they are Communists. They are literally running this country, what do you think an ideology is when they remove God... from the faithful, when you remove God you make the human (conscious and sentient) into an animal and their mission is to prove there is no God, there is no Soul, there is no heaven or hell.

If you have ever studied how the communists debased the faithful to prove they were just animals, like them, then you know what I am saying to be true to the word. 

They are so anti human they want to remove people from existence and let Mother Earth on her own, they are the parasitical twin in the mothers womb that eats its sibling. 

This is a battle between Good and Evil.


The 'Earth God' green movement; the Greta Thunberg's that have been groomed to be religious fundamentalist and Earth is God...and we know it is what they believe...They are children that understand nothing and thinks they know everything. It seems that is the thing we aren't allowed to admit or say out loud. The child knows nothing because the teachers dumbed them down, or they made sure to give them the drugs that would gum up their neuron firing. But hey what do I know and can I explain it to you so you can understand it or do you have to see it yourself first before you believe us?, looks like you had to see it first, maybe next time you should pay better attention. We must let our children have a chance to grow up so they do understand and move us forward in a good direction.


The Old Guard in Europe wants to Rule the world, some more again. 

The W.H.O. and the UN think they might get a chance to control something and steal from the West, I'd say evil white man, but they don't care what colour you are...they care what tribe you are.

The Chinese Communist Party who have a foot hold in ports around the world, but yeah, it's Russia...Stop. Making. Me. Laugh. It's. Starting. To. Hurt. With. Your. Tick. Tock. Videos. Please unplug from their system before it's too late. it's going to go Boom next. 

Russia...I don't even know what to say. I don't know if normal Americans are paying attention or just don't care anymore? They are not losing. 

...and the good ol' USA...

Canada, Australia, Scotland, Germany; Click Click Boom. 

We aren't playing on a level field. the midst of complete planned economic collapse where you wonder why can't you get concrete for the intersection you have been contracted to work on...Meanwhile the feeble demented man that was installed to the Presidency has told you a bit of truth. You will feel pain at the pump. Fossil fuels are for anyone that can afford them. It's funny how leftists or greenies think they will come out unscathed. Oh wait...they will starve you and drain you water ways...that they mapped out in Agenda 21.

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