Friday, June 3, 2022

Rise The Standard

Some times I'm told I'm to vague or speak in riddles but when I do my best to make myself perfectly clear...I'm told I'm being vulgar or watch what I say in polite company. My choice in words is not yours. I get my point across my way. I always write with love and understanding and most often fear for the future and hope they have the fortitude to pass through this next stage with grace. We meet the profane with the profane like steel on steel. I'm not going to use recycled words or recycled steel. 

Gender identity. 

Do you recall a bit back, maybe last year, when the LGBTQ+ group got upset about the phrase...'Straight Gay'? It was comical if it wasn't moronic. A normal gay man is a man that has sex with another man (monogamy is important to a good society, we know this) however the consensus among the gender expert class, whether the mass public realizes it or not is that you as an individual should be ridiculed if you are straight, normal, (white as well) even gay straight (black as well). To exist in this web they have created you must be able to hit as many intersections as you can or be an ally. If someone is not an ally then that means they are the enemy. It has nothing to do with anything in actuality except that it is an ideology-a set of beliefs- that there is no objective truth; if you believe your own lie you can manifest it into the truth, it's a play on the Secret. Meanwhile they are pawns on a chess board, and the children are the fodder.

The plan isn't unity and cohesion or anything to do with love or they wouldn't send the FBI after parents speaking out at school board meetings. They want custody of the child under the guise the child should be able to make life altering decisions; meanwhile the child has no idea the long term consequences of removing (chopping off) a girls mammaries glands (tits) at puberty. This is Federal policy under the Biden administration. They are promoting experimenting on children and they are doing it under everyones noses. 

If a parent tells their child, no, or that someone is not to be trusted because it's believed harm will be done to them...and you have a mass public (social media and State officials) insisting...The parent is the bad guy. It's State policy to make the parent parenting look like the bad guy when they say "No" to a child that wants to take hormone blockers (or any drug for that matter). They make the parent look bad for not wanting to harm their child. To be clear we are discussing the sterilization of children but the words they use are, 'hormone blockers'. They are telling everyone what they are doing and most are completely unaware of the consequences of what they are standing for...that flag doesn't mean what you think it means.

They have warped the minds of some of these children, and adults, that it isn't inclusive if you won't sleep with everyone... The idea is, if someone wants to have sex with you, you shouldn't say no. A straight man should not be allowed to turn away a transfemale, or you are transphobic. I know, it's absurd and straight out of Brave New World. They are teaching children that there are no consequences to sex, not emotional, and not physical...not the emotional trauma if they get pregnant and end that life or sexually transmitted diseases...Because there is a pill for that.

Many understand that the + includes pediphiles, because in all measurements taken that is the answer, lights on or off.  

Lia Thomas, the swimmer that is male and competes against females; if you think that is unfair to any female you are transphobic. Lia Thomas says he is a lesbian. Lia Thomas has berries and a twig if I am to understand correctly. There are some that would insist I use 'her' but that would be me lying and I know what game is being played. Not all transsexuals are what you want them to be, some are mental, some are con jobs, some like the feeling of women clothes on their skin, once in awhile and not often you find someone that perhaps might have been born in the wrong skin, often they were sexually abused. Nowadays it's a social virus with atrocious consequences. 

This is all disguised as a Civil Rights issue... Except you can't be conservative and gay and still be in the in*crowd- again, it's about an ideology. It is important to clearly think of the in*crowd ideology, because children want to be in that group, desperately. Most Preteens and teenagers, not to mention young adults are highly malleable. Too many parent's, mostly women, also still want to be in the in*crowd, or want to be their Childs best friend, or they really do have Munchausen syndrome by proxy, and some are scared to speak out and be noticed, some know their child will turn from them so they just pretend the consequences down the line won't happen. As a parent, I believe you know this.. I know very few parents that have ever turned their children away, and then it was severe abuse by the child, and even then the parent doesn't stop loving their child, unless they were raised wrong. This is not, 'I love my gay child' that is not any of this.

If you ask how it happened...the internet is the answer. ...and people telling others to turn away from those that disagree with them because their feelings might get hurt when someone tells them the truth...the objective truth...because it's against their religion for truth to be objective. 

Welcome to the religion of trans humanism ... except its just the sterilization of the children ...and it's Federal Policy.

Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself and you think you are against human trafficking while you actively support the murder of children and their mutilation, clitoris removals and sterilization. Things you would speak out against if it happened to a woman in East Africa. Should we discuss the Presidents son here?...or is that not a tel enough for you to know that something is rotten to the core.

It says if parents aren't accepting of your identity,

I'm your mom now.

Drink some water. Take your meds. (doesn't that make you question any of this?)

Make sure you eat. (not here let me feed you)

I love you (you do not/you can not have unconditional love for someone you have not met)


The above means nothing except take your drugs and you don't have to listen to your parents when they tell you there will be consequence for your actions. There are always consequences...and people are very manipulatable, insanely so I must say.

We are literally saying sexual deviancy is celebrated federally and you are bad if you don't get on the band wagon - ideology much?

Love is Love does not mean what you think it does. 

Is this another 4Chan joke that went out of control?

gender identity is a psyop


made up mythology to make more mass division and weaken society. Everyone knows that a man is a man and can't be a woman. People are stupid, a person is smart. Children's minds are manipulatable and even easier to reach with not just the internet and social medias but schools, Federally funded ones. I know most are aware of this but knowing and understanding are different. It's an engine. It's Federal Policy. It's a Religion belief system and it's federal policy and if you don't agree with it you are punished or shunned. Would you like to talk about Civil rights...except this has nothing to do with civil rights...except to take them away from people that don't believe in their religion. 

its the creation of a caste system/ Stake holder levels/ test for your new ESG score when they decide you will own nothing and your grand children will never know the freedom of space travel.

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