Thursday, June 23, 2022

Good Curses Evil


How do you tell some one this...

The federal government of the United States of America is a communist entity. 

The infiltration started in the 60s and grew until Obama was installed. Then the accident of Trump happened when it was supposed to be Hillary. The federal arm of the communist State, the FBI spied on President Trump, this isn't a secret. Covid was then unleashed and our election laws in some states were by-passed by decree of Governors (making the election of Joe Biden illegal-it's very simple to understand.) That was the takeover completely of the US federal system. 

Your DEI, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, directors*(?) are your comisars; the old time soviet watchers of thought and language. Everyone understands this right? 

Public (Public=Political) schools run by teachers unions. Jill Biden may not be a commy but everyone knows that the Biden clan will do anything for a buck...even sell out our national security...what do the commies care how they get what they want...just as long as they get it. 

I can hear in the background, "Kristin, no one will take you seriously if you say commy or call people like Obama one, that's ridiculous." My answer to me is,"if you don't tell people the honest truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth then they won't understand that the whole kit and kaboodle is underwater and it's almost too late. It's time for emirate correction." You might think that emirate is a's not. 

Don't think you can depend on Republicans or Democrats, corruption is rampant...but you know that.

When the rubicon was crossed (Google cut the proverbial head off the sitting President of the US) our system went from.

Republic to the Empire 

..who do you think Google is? Alphabet soup. All out in the open.

I wish I was making this up. 

If you have questions about why I think Barack Obama is a communist you don't have to look hard. It's all out in the open. He was raised that way by his mother and grandparents, it's easier to infiltrate that way; no one believes it at first because people insist it's a ...conspiracy theory, meanwhile it's not a secret. Now a days I think we all understand how that works. They* (yes they, it's a mass of people that have been brainwashed and if you don't grasp this you will forever be sorry) don't even care if you know the truth...they just gas light you and tell you people are just dying suddenly from nothing...except we all know what that something click boom that timer is running and some of you have poisoned your bodies so you weren't called a name. 

Now...we have our commy run green party agenda that is nothing but about the extinction of the human race, even them...they are fanatical if you can't see that now...The US federal government is draining all supplies of energy systems...except Nuclear. Have you ever been on an Aircraft Carrier? Do you know where we get the energy to run something like that...? Do you know how clean the drinking water is on one? 

No more petrol for you peon. 

They need you to not have guns to fight back...get rid of SCOTUS; disarm it, erase it, neuter it. They will use abortions of babies because a segment of people are so into themselves they can't see past their hand and think murdering babies is acceptable because they are inconvenient is fine...; These are violent (they are not peaceful) people that do not believe in the sanctity of any life. We have a base line of is irrefutable, factual, and's actual science. No one likes it when I say this...but maybe, just maybe stop being whores or use the rhythm method, we have tools now, be smart, use them and understand consequences of actions. (Im hoping one day we will all grow up, yes, I put myself in this category. A question for you? Are you sure that pill is working for you or is it doing something to your body when you combine it with the way you pollute your body and not working...the Pharma industry is cunning and will always find a way to make more money off of the diseases they give you...what's crazy is you know it and still injest the toxins they sell you.) Your degenerate ways are in the light for all to see.

It's so weird watching in live time a Republic become a communist country...many believe with this stage comes the empire...and that is one way it could go...I expect you will let them walk over you because you are so scared someone will call you a name, then they will erase you, you've seen them do it, so you get in line...or you will be so weak from the disease you asked them to give you by way of the jab you won't have the mental capacity to fight back. 

We could also lead the world forward by reviewing our founding fathers words.

...but wait...there's more...

 It's when Good curses Evil on the scale of Gods and Angels. 

I am going to tell you a story.

 You are in the middle of an epic battle...where you feel the strife as it pushes and pulls the energy around you, dark and light matter pulsating. If you are not stable and grounded in your belief system you are fodder. 

 I wish I could make clear what I see and hear with my own eyes on these different dimensions...but a human can't see that which a manta shrimp sees, the words don't translate unless you understand the deeper meanings. 

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