Friday, July 8, 2022

Three Sovereign Kings


She sat on her animal skin chaise at the top of the world, her nails filled with fertile soil and the Stone of Alexandria on her finger. Sweet potatoes starting new growth sitting at the hearth of their home. A piano plays in the background and bird songs behind her as the breeze wafted through the open windows. She typed words into a machine that she could spread across the globe, never a moment naught in awe of her surroundings.


I keep finding myself in the position of trying to explain my self clearly so people can understand; I've used profanity, religious texts, codes most of you don't know. I've told embarrassing stories of my life in hopes you laugh to help you know...everyone has hairs in weird places...we are animals just conscious ones practicing to be better-part of the big Time story I'm about to tell you.

I am not a Christian, I am a Kristin. I was born Catholic and anointed at birth to be one of the Children of God. I believe in the teachings of the Old Church Before the Times, that is what the Catholic Church was/is(?) as was taught to me by the Emissaries from the Vatican by the decree of The Sultan Qaboos Bin Said. I say it like that for dramatic affect, I hope you will see why. 

Pope Paul VI had named Mary, The Mother of the Church; he was quite heavy into the  Mariological studies. A tiny very important bit of background, while he was in Seminary in 1917, May 13th, Our Lady of Fatima appeared to 3 shepherd Children in Portugal and she revealed 3 Secrets to them...This is where I recommend you look for yourself and read up on something important you should know, 'The Lady of Fatima', (right now, I'll be here waiting).  The Miracle of the Sun happened on October 13...this is how it was described, "after a period of rain, the dark clouds broke and the Sun appeared as an opaque, spinning disc in the sky. It was said to be significantly duller than normal, and to cast multicolored lights across the landscape, the people, and the surrounding clouds. The Sun was then reported to have careered towards the Earth before zig-zagging back to its normal position... Witnesses reported that their previously wet clothes became "suddenly and completely dry, as well as the wet and muddy ground that had been previously soaked because of the rain that had been falling."   

Our Lady of Fatima had also asked for consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

March 25, 2022, Pope Francis consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart alongside Ukraine, with both countries explicitly mentioned. This is not the same thing that was asked for by The Mother of Gods only Son? Are we Awake now? 

Pope Paul VI was also the first Pope to visit Israel.

As a young girl our Priests would have us in the desert sands skimming the ground as they showed us how to find that which was hidden. Truth of the Past, Proof for the lying eyes (my words I am using to make it dramatic sounding). This is literally my life story within a story that has an even bigger story. I'm just walking next to it.

There was a little school I attended, it opened in 1975, I was 4, and had just started learning to walk again after a play accident which put me in a body cast. The School is now and was then under the Patronage of The Royal Court Affairs of The Sultanate of Oman. I have a story, albeit short, about the time Her Majesty The Queen of England, The Supreme Governor of the Church of England coming and visiting us at our little school, some where in this book I am writing. 

Oman is Ibadi Islam, this is where I again ask you to look something up, it's important information. The more you know the greater understanding you can have.  

The Ark had been found. They had started the process of bringing the Tribes of Israel home, one at a time.  


With the sacrament of Confirmation, I was bound to the Church and given the strength of the Holy Spirit. I am obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed, where needed and when called. This is the Faith that is the Catholics...We are the all encompassing Universe holding the stories and history of Truth.

We confess our sins with humility to learn from our mistakes, for we are only human. We are all born with the guilt of knowing right vs wrong. It's written in our code. We must be sincere and take the consequences of our actions in a three fold, you will wish it was just some Hail Marys you had to say, many call it Karma. You can't just believe in something, you have to live it and know your Standard; The Standard I was handed was Life. 

I am of the Old Church Before the Time handed down by word of mouth as it is the Truth. It's all right there in the Old Testament and it's dismissed as mythology. 

See what I's really beautiful; way to see Earth and know it's worth saving. We are worth the fight. Our children and our future is worth the fight to pull a Standard together that is worthy to say all the Gods of Old and New stand with us against Evil. They really are Evil, no normal person thinks it's ok to sexualize children- Can we have at least this Standard? None of the Good Old Gods or New ones concede to this. 

We need no Idol but the Truth because it sets people free with good guidance for a good life that can take you to the farthest regions and into the smallest spaces as more Truth comes forward; see it for what it is. 

Were you still?

Did you hear?




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