Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Mandate of God


 Lets see if I can throw this out there and you connect it all...I have faith in the ability of the Human mind to know and if it desires to understand...you have to want to understand. 

'Dolla bills yo' as they sell your information when you click 'ok' and have no idea what you 'oked'. You should read what you 'ok'ed, you sold your soul the devil, the United States Communist Empire, and perhaps just to Bill Gates, what ever entity or group, by any name it is the same thing-The fruit of Good and Evil. 

All the passwords, the needs for accounts for every transaction and you feel lucky when you can sign in as a Guest. You can have it* now Al Gore. 

Dec 25, 2020, Nashville Tennessee.

War is almost always about control of resources. 

War is no mercy.

They use computer models to manipulate data. Data is gathered information. Data is gathered by man with agenda. Computer models are written by man with agenda. The manipulation of data regarding disease, health, temperatures, history, education, polling, elections, advertising; you get the drift of how this falsified data moves through minds that are either highly manipulatable or of people that say they don't care*-they are the biggest problem and who we need to reach. 

Example: If you gather temperature data in the area with the most concrete and asphalt you will gather the higher temperatures rather than in spaces with more terra involved, take an airport for example as a great source for data collection. 

Do I need to explain statistics are most easily manipulatable? I don't have to be able to calculate to understand manipulation via data collection as I collect data and analyze it do I? 

peer reviewed is meaningless when ideology is attached

Man tells you of agenda and then says that's not the agenda; this would be the UN, the EU, and the WEF-of which almost all leaders of major nations are members.

Man has been lying to you and you know it.

I'm not saying our climate isn't changing. I don't have accurate data to determine this. I do however know that the solutions giving forward will not help but do more harm so you must look at the Why they are implementing said solutions. Then determine action.

Why are you still listening to them?

They have put their political foes in shackles.

I am of the understanding that most everyone is aware the guy sitting in the Oval Office has a cash load from the CCP in his account via his son who has serious problems yes but holy hell this is what we call a national security issue if there had ever been one...It's infuriating isn't it? ...and Ahhhhhhh Ukraine...we all know it and nothing is done about it. 

They spread Hate as the sexualize and sterilize the Children- Federal policy. An underage prostitute is a child. Epstein didn't kill himself and nothing is done about the animals he entertained. 

We are in a Civil war, they are happening all over the world. After all they did the last few years how can you possibly not understand this in total yet? It is not theory...it is praxis.

When you change the rules mid game/election as they did the game/election is null and void. There is no President of The United States and there are two Popes; Insanity. 


People=Food=Energy. Broken down it's all the same thing. People produce energy via resources and sell to others. People consume energy to create more and so on...I don't really have to explain this do I? 

Did you know we can feed the world. We have the knowledge, practice, logistics and ability. It's choices they don't want you to have. 

Clean water? Do a little dive in how We* (The Royal We) clean our Navy's drinking water on Nuclear Aircraft Carriers. We can fuel our cars with nuclear energy safely. People have just been scared out of their reasoning skills to grasp how long we have safely been using Nuclear energy. 

Same subject but not in everyday practice as of yet...If we have a gravitational*(?) field energy source, know I am not 100% aware of it, just 87% sure, that will surly kick ass...I wonder what horrible destruction we will wield with it before we figure out how to use it for good? You know I'm right. 

Let me poke holes in my own solution so you can see what we have to navigate.



How much money has been given out of your pocket to fund corrupt officials under the guise to feed and help other Nations Peoples, as the Peoples went hungry? I don't know the answer, it's irrelevant to the problem we are looking to show you how to solve. 

How do we get rid of corruption? 

You know what the word means? Corruption means rot. 


The only good thing you can do with rot is bury it and hope it fertilizes the ground and the lesson feeds the minds of the future. Or you burn it, ashes to ashes. Why are they in standing still?

The Mandate of God...even by any other name. 

The Mandate of God gives all control to the People of Earth to over throw their corrupt leaders. 

Next subject, still connected:

How do you solve the problem of complex cultures and societies getting along while still getting rid of corruption?

Where do you find the people that are Honest? 

Where do you find the intelligent, Honest, thoughtful people? 

Could you even discern one from one who is not?

Be still and listen

There are answers to our problems and they are not as difficult to solve as they would like you to believe. 

the crown still fits

weapon unsheathed

moon rises 

sun sets

war of the minds

peace at heart


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