Saturday, July 1, 2023

The Bank of My River Styx

God does not make mistakes

No human is perfect

Object origin

Object destination

You will never become Our Almighty God Our Father

For there is only One

We are His Children

We are Her Children

We are but a Child

The Truth is the ground where I lay (you should know the meaning of the word and intent when read. You burn me at the stake because I know the Truth...Breath through me; I keep the fire alive.)

I'm going to burn it to the ground now

into the ether 

I am your DragonLady

I told my husband of my Roman name, GiaCardi.

Most people don't have as many names as me;

Go row the boat

to safe grounds

we are stronger now,

I run the wolves.

The Thunder Moon rises. 

Vulcan Commandos

from outer space

are on their way

This is my river Styx

Shall I call your name to my bank

I'm going to explain something to the women that call themselves Christians here there and everywhere. I do not have to be a biblical scholar to understand the simple and the complex at the same time. You clutch a book that you index for if you saw the whole you would see the hole in your ways...and you can't possibly be responsible, you have been forgiven have you, not? Those that make excuses for bad behavior will say I am looking down* on them, yes, I am, because in Truth you don't know that you obviously have no idea of the consequences that are reaped for your actions and support of evil ways. Why are you angry at me for pointing the Error out? When you support the sacrifice of Children you deny the womb of Jesus. May I ask a quiet question, "Do you believe in the Holy Mother of your own Messiah, do you believe her womb to be blessed by God?" When women support the sacrifice of children on the alter of time, a job, or because the opened their legs like a whore a bad partner they never look to themself as the problem, they blame, maim, and kill. Do you know your own worth? When sex becomes a commodity in everyday life is that brave and when do you teach the children that usury system? Look around, stop acting confused and certainly don't agree with evil just to go along because someone that is evil might not like you. Oh, you don't have a daughter so you don't are a band example of a Good human when you excuse evil behavior. You are so brave for agreeing with evil. Yes, people that support the killing of babies in utero are Evil. Do you deny the Holy womb of your Lord and Savior? There really is a watchful eye, we are Truly being divided; I don't know where my number falls but I know what's happening is wrong and not speaking out is letting the evil take over. I do not desire to ever walk the path of evil and I will shun it every way. 

My Standard is the Childs Soul 

and I raise it 

Christian women that walk into the homes of others wives should be shunned from service, and in Truth you are in Service of God; do you deny that or do you declare yourself to be most high? You treat your sister with respect, you don't lie and steal from her, how selfish of you, you are called a home wrecker by the Home Maker for a reason. It's not neighborly is it, the home wrecking that is, it's part of the destruction of families (That one was tough to write because it's True and fits the feet of those that should be bound alas I judge you, you condemn yourself and when you deny the Truth of your sin and go out and about with your sin clutched to your chest and inked for true, with no shame for others to see the commodity class of person you are, your sex has become usury. Some one reading this thinks I'm talking about them, you are in a class of usury women, you are one of many that I know, you actually aren't special or different. I do not un See. 

Christian women and divorce is easy, you live by the laws of man not God. I'm divorced, you can follow my path. I love my Ex Husband, he is a great Man and I respect him; I speak no ill word; I am a difficult complicated woman, I also know I am a good Mother, not perfect and how many outside influences does the Good parent fight? I walked this path and know it well. Your friends said leave him and take him for everything he's got...but the problem is, is all she does is bitch and moan and certainly doesn't provide a home that is clean and well run, oh she's a 'working woman', those exist, they make good coffee at the office (I'm sure you are what ever at what ever you do at the office, what do you produce, more income for more stuff?) Always wanting more and never happy with what you have. You aren't thankful or grateful for anything except that which you can use as a weapon.

Christian women that use their children as weapons against their fathers have been taught this behavior, it's the fork tongue of the serpent, but they call me evil for speaking out against it. 

Many Christians in the United States that support the sacrifices of children think they are forgiven for their sins because they believe that is why Jesus died for them...because they are so important. You are not important. You aren't first, you aren't aren't third. You are last on the rung kid, did you declare yourself a servant of God or was that just Jesus?

This made up half religion based on a false teaching of forgiveness for belief is the crick in the creek that created a flood of heathens under the guise of Christ. I'm showing you the Error, don't get mad at me and call me names. I'm obviously a Witch, I've told you so many times, Un Holy to some.

I am not a heathen for knowing Angels walk amongst us and Titans are real. 

The Truth is in my names.

Moving forward in the Church of the Bride of Christ...We learn for the past. We have acknowledge our sins and spoken them allowed. 

The penance is now being paid and the People have no real leader but a corrupt elected* official...

Who is your Sovereign?

Normal people don't understand why I am so passionate about important things. 

I'm chided when I say the Truth that the Holy Mothers womb is being desecrated and the sacrifice of a child is celebrated in these Western ways of enlightenment.

I think I will write this backwards 

This was how my day started. 

When I woke I was happy to recall we spent time together you and me. Your soft little face, so sweet and pure. I can't wait to meet you on this plain. (word choice, I move with purpose)

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