Saturday, July 22, 2023

Question of Faith


Are you also watching Western society cave in upon its self.

Please stand by

I know I believe in different stuff then you...I also can See with thine own eyes and all those around what you believe. You See even a witch named Kristin knows the truth of thee, not by gift of site but the mirror I hold to thee. The lack of honesty about ones self behavior like every wayward action is forgiven was bad model building. You should know who built your model Religion/faith belief. Who gave them Devine authority? Do you ask? 

My outlaw brother in Law is a Methodist minister, once in deep conversation of faith he expressed he felt bad for me that, 'it must be lonely'...I don't have a profession of faith, I have a duty to faith. In my faith I am surround by Angels and Saints every step of the way. My standard is the Childs life, Our Fathers Joy. I praise Our Holy Mother by every name for She is blessed with the Holy Spirt chosen by God Our Father. My Faith is passed down, unhindered by mans unholy self words, it's very Old. You don't have to believe what I believe. 

If people say they don't believe something, I take them for their word, when someone says they do believe something I question every word and ping every action.

The Catholic Church has already had 2 popes. What's happening now is theater, just like election cycles now......You Know it's all fake, don't put it back in the tube. 

If you can change your faith it was never faith. 

Please behold some Grace to some of your forefathers that were misled down a path to a model that wasn't built on a foundation of Truth. I'm not taking anything away from peoples religions...I'm trying to put back that which man tried to erase. 

Right here*. Right now*. Peoples of all religions are meeting to decide if homosexuality, I will step on toes if you try to trip me, can be a blessed union by those that profess a word of some Christian Faith. No. You are a different faith, and nothing to do with God Our Father. Do you understand the Why? (I am not a scholar by any standard but don't they teach this stuff, it's blatant.) A homosexual couple will never be blessed with a child, because in Truth, it's impossible. There can never be the Gift of a Fathers Joy and a Mothers blessing. I know it's simple but it seems culture and nuance and your lack of faith or is it knowledge and practice are getting in the way of base knowledge, or do you just wanna fit in? To know this does not reap judgment on someone who does not believe what you believe. Everyone doesn't believe what you believe and you shouldn't have to change yours beliefs because someone else doesn't like it...that's not faith. I can't believe I have to type this out. 

You don't need a passage in the Bible to point this out.

If someone says that this belief is bad because it condemns that the Faith of the profess? Can you condemn someone with your faith alone? Or are we doing Voodoo here? 

Stupid people that think they are enlightened (through out time eternal) + incomplete knowledge data + lack of self control = system failure 

= application of knowledge data

Your Christian faith does not allow a person that lives in Knowledge of unrepentant sin to pass through your Holy Gates. Who was that man that felt he had the authority of God to change a faith? Oh...hes a learned scholar? Read all the books? Can quote all the passages? Have degrees and letters? 

The Children of Israel are home.

Western countries have codified the extermination of a Childs future that have been sexually and mentally abused then they sterilize them.  

Everyone can see real Faith is escaping into the ether. All around me I can See it. I can See it on levels of magnetic connections or peoples actions of Faith. It has to go somewhere...enthalpy. I know it seems I'm 'all over the place' because I's all happening at once. 

There is no 'real' Government entity that you get a say in, it's all theater, mayors, to presidents to popes.

The Popes have refused to consecrate Russia. (To a laymen this sounds absurd, to those of the question why out loud.)

When did they say MKUltra ended? 


Be still and listen

One day I will tel you a story

I'd say I'm flabbergasted of late but that would be like saying I'm laconic. 

I've never seen more manipulatable people in my entire life than Westerners. You have no sacred ground.  

I was not born here, I was not raised here. My accent is perfect. I am not of your culture of learned psychology over base line simple knowledge of self correction and choice in the matter. 

I believe that people can correct themselves when they are honest, that is why we go back to the commandments as base line in good model building. Do you understand the why?  Western culture (Western thought) is that they come from a place of enlightenment where all the sudden a light came on and they could see the truth now...Bad model building is not having faith in your model. If you are of Our Father would he have not instated upon you your own ability to self correct and given you some Good rules for life? 

Yes, people do need a Good talking too. 

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