Monday, July 31, 2023

In Myth is Life


It was probably a Thursday, Thursday would be similar to your Saturday, the day before your sabbath. The heat of the sun would bake our skin; the closer you are to the equator time moves slower just as the air is a different mass on a mountain as it is at sea. I digress but it does matter, its all matters orbits not.

The pool at the Khanjar Club was always busy in the mid day sun, where the rays could find the path ways to teach us to connect. There was one time in all a Childs dread when they had to empty the water from the pool for an upgrade. The upgrade and time lost not swimming was worth it though, we now had a fountain to play in as is the true Roman way. Our moms at the pool side, hair coiffed trying to protect their cigarettes from getting splashed, with most likely an ice cold beverage of their choosing, all but Coke a Cola. Under the eyes of the Sultan we were a protected class but we still had rules to abide. Our fathers there too in the pool spinning us and throwing us. Eventually the time comes for the game to really begin; who can hold their breath the longest while spinning underwater. This was the same pool where my brother the Lion hit his head on the edge and busted his forehead open wide. "Hey he's gonna need stitches!" This is not a crowd of worry, we were raised to have tough skins. Just an fyi from the sidelines...tampons are super absorbent and can be used off label for wounds and stuff not like that.

Shall I spin you around under water till you know the Truth, it might be dizzying, We are practiced in a Good catch, not perfect, Good.

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story
I'll try again...

One of Martin Luthers favorite writings of his own was On the Bondage of the Will. You can go read it and see a German Catholic philosopher projecting his own views on others. It's human behavior, Robyn D'Angelo did it, can't you See the religion in front of's called projection? is one you can over come with perspective or if it's in Goodness don't project, be. He argues you have no free will that you can not tell the difference between Good and evil. Pray tel, is this True? I argue you do and the Our Father the Almighty insists on your free will, under his commandments, stray from that and "you gonna learn today." as the saying goes. Or a better way to say it perhaps, why would your Father want to control your every move? Doesn't a Father love seeing His Child learn and grow no matter what stage? Are you a slave with no control over your self? That is what he argues. The Good Fathers I know, instruct their Children they do not control them, cause you are gonna do what you are gonna do-free will. Do you believe you are free of sin because you had to do it? Because you have no free will? Can you See how this can go sideways quite fast? When putting together criteria for a religion (that is what is done in True) you hope the model builder would take human nature in mind and project discipline not weakness. This was the 1520's, in the timeline of all of us that's a drop in a bucket floating in a deep blue sea where time is infinite as is Our Fathers Grace but if you have free will, don't ya might think The Good Father does as well? You can believe what ever you want but he doesn't have to let you in.

Do you know who Martin Luther did regard? Our Holy Mother. Where did you put her?


"Khristine!" gently shouted in a French accent so she could hear him across the kitchen, "Make it tighter." She was rolling the egg rolls for the party tonight and the food was always to be prepared perfectly. The band was setting up on the veranda that opened up to the tops of the trees filled with green monkeys, the 'Hooooooo' of the doves close by in Banyan trees that reached down like thick fingers from a sky of green into a valley of darkness, we were above the ground, in the trees. Through those tree tops you could see the Caribbean sea, calm and blue. Her God Father (Papa) and his brother, Tonton, and their sisters, the phases of the moon, of only which one was there, were preparing the feast and everyone in the household had a duty, be it, peeling shrimp, rolling egg rolls, fried rice, or chopping scotch bonnets. They are a Chinese family that speak many languages, first French and never Chinese, their parents had immigrated to French Guiana to escape what would be the upcoming, now past events in China. Now they were on an island in the Caribbean in a home once owned by a Sultan, a well earned prize for years of hard work.

She squeezed the cabbage and shrimp mixture and placed it on the egg roll skin, then two times more. The banter in the room was easy as her God Father instructed them on how to do what ever it was they were doing correctly; the size and cut of the onion matters to the dish as does everything else. She had a system, she would lay out three egg roll skins at a time, all facing her like a triangle, then she added the mix, 1, 2, 3, then one at a time she carefully lifted the tip closest to her over the cabbage mixture and tucked it in nicely and the ends she sandwiched together, then fingers in water for the edges and roll, and roll, and roll. It was a pleasurable job to have with clear repetition with room for improvement till perfection. 

The night before they all had been sitting and chatting while the women polished their nails getting ready for the party the next night. She had chosen a dark blood red for her nails and her God Mother quipped in, "No red polish until you are 16." So she reached for a shade of pink, only a year more, she didn't have to like it, she did have to respect it, her God Mother had her reasons.        

For her teenage years while her Mother was busy at work and her Father was busy with war and rockets, her God Parents she would go and stay and learn some more the Latin way. 



Do you know how to get people to follow you?

Seriously? The easiest way...most people are lazy, they don't have to be, but they's a choice...tell them it's not their fault and they don't have to do any work. 

They literally started a religion from what We* had as a Whole cloth and cut it into smaller pieces...your cloak of Truth is just a patch you move around to cover the lie.

The Protestant many titles you give it it's still a bunch of learned experts that thought they knew better. Know this conversation conversion converges a place most are uncomfortable...the struggle is real...the jihad, the struggle to control ones self and be responsible for ones actions. A real man sees a problem and fixes it, they don't wallow in sorrow, there is only weakness there. This is how you rise a warrior that need not fight but knows when to.  

Martin Luther argues you have no free will...and that you just have to believe....Please See this...

The reformers were not heroes to put on a pedestal...they were weak men. 

The decided they new more then all the people from the past combined...Can you See this?

Now a note...I believe in the strength of the individual but I question intelligence levels all the time. Those that say they are too weak to change as they inject themselves with some life altering substance because they refuse to change the way they live, so they choose grotesque death instead and we get the front row. Society says I should care about someone that refuses to see themselves as the problem while State agencies make laws that incarcerate the Good deed doers as they let the criminal run the street; while the schools and universities retard our youth. Meanwhile they released a biological weapon that they made to attack humans...they made that, then let it go, now look where we are...not anywhere near normal. You have sexual degenerate men in dresses and women that think they can do anything a man can do while they make laws that defile the womb, but their nails look pointy and shiny, writing political policy while the State flaunts its utter control over everything you see and hear. You elect easily controllable fools, all have something to sell or buy, they sure aren't looking after your streets and the safety of those that walk them. These policies have already been written, you get to see them be implemented. What really gets my Goats is those that say and think they are inteligesia. 

Smart people fix thing, lazy people complain about broken things. 

I see in front of my eyes the actual systems at work where they have to use their imaginations to keep their minds stagnant of thought, because to go forward you must let the past push you and you must know you control only your own movements and always correct errors or the system will break down. Society, air traffic control, or what you see as health to name a few. Lying about something never works, not even the little ones, that's why it's in the Code. Under a clear conscious before God there is no confusion. This is how you solve a problem but everyone really just likes to bitch. 

On a cloud behind me

Nike at my feet

Alexandria in front of me

The Sun basks my mind

Hear the words come at me

The breeze cools the air

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